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[–]mvmlego 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (1 child)

I'm not going to give a detailed rebuttal or read any subsequent replies, for a few reasons.

1) I already addressed some of those points.

2) It's very demoralizing to spend most of an hour trying to carefully craft responses, only for them to be bombed with satirical funvotes.

2b) A few trolls have decided to go back through the last forty-or-so comments in my history (the vast majority of which weren't meant to be humorous, and several of of which weren't expressing any opinions at all) and bomb those with funvotes as well, quite possibly as a result of the views that I've expressed in this thread.

2c) Meanwhile, the No True Feminist word vomit was for some reason considered by eight people to be "insightful". It's almost as if people are judging comments based on their preconceived notions instead of considering alternative views with an open mind.

3) Given that that the OP has shown his willingness to participate in the comments, I'll say for the third and final time: you should be talking with u/nbailey73. Most of what I've said has been in the interest of explaining and justifying his feelings about the feminist epistemology class that he dropped, which he clearly linked to his self-esteem issues.

Based on my last several threads that I've participated in, it's clear that the only form of participation that's widely valued on this sub is endlessly repetitive "Hur-dur, TRA bad" comments. I won't bother you all or waste any more of my own time by posting. Enjoy your echo chamber.

[–]VioletRemiCat, homosexual one 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

about the feminist epistemology class that he dropped

But those classes were not feminist classes, they are "gender studies" classes and in most cases they are anti-feminist (recent research in them was about "white cis females are causing minorities to suffer", for example), intersexphobic (what nbailey73 did mentioned in his post) and homophobic. At least from what I know from people who are forced to attend those in the USA. Those classes replaced "women studies" classes long time ago. "Women studies" were active from 1980s to 1990s, but starting from 2000s they were replaced with "gender studies" instead, and mostly focusing on "being nice", racism, "pronouns", some sjw ideas and other stuff.

No True Feminist

Again, that is not feminism (and most of them are not even calling themselves feminists anyways). It is not "no true scotsman" - because I do agree that feminists can hurt men (and some women), but what you are naming is not feminism and has no connection to feminism. Racism is not what feminism is solving, trans rights is not what feminism is solving, 5 sexes bs is not what feminism is solving or doing, and so on - nothing named was in any way touching feminism.

I still can't understand why any humanist movement, left-wing movement or any social rights movement is called either feminism or socialism/communism and then always feminists or LGB are blamed for those movements wrongdoings, while feminism is often against those movements in the first place...

Recently read nice thread complaining about same ideas that are told in such classes and about people who were supporting those views: