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[–]ThiccDropkickGay 24 insightful - 2 fun24 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They really do just piggyback on the gay movement. In one of the first lessons of sex ed I had in middle school we were told that when we hit puberty we might find ourselves attracted to the same sex instead of the opposite, and that it was totally fine. Later on we were reminded that gay men were more at risk than anyone else of contracting HIV so we'd need to be more careful. This is stuff we should be taught.

But trans issues and gender identities are different. Imagine taking a group of kids who are beginning to go through puberty, still figuring out who they are, and telling them that if they don't feel right in their body or don't conform to gender stereotypes, then they might not be a real boy or girl after all and could be trans. The teacher wouldn't even be able to define what it means to feel like a boy/girl, but would still have to teach it.

This is what makes me mad whenever homosexuality and trans issues are lumped together. No, genuine concerns about transing children are not jUsT rEdReSsEd HoMoPhObIa and teaching kids that it's ok to be gay is not the same thing as telling them they might be living in the wrong body.