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[–]winterwillow 28 insightful - 3 fun28 insightful - 2 fun29 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

Checked the user's post history. He post about loving to tell stories, and now he's telling himself (and others) the ultimate story about himself as a lesbian.

Examples: Post that he's the 'token gay friend' in his circle of friends, but since he only came out as trans three years ago and has had his friends for way longer the truth is more that they're a group of straight people, he transitioned, he isn't token anything.

Claims to be 'fully transitioned and stealth' without GRS, which is an oxymoron, claims to pass as an 'androgynous tomboy' but has immense imposter syndrome and transitioned as a 25 year old so probably don't, posts about how he can only feel like a lesbian in settings where there are no other trans people around, when another 'trans woman' arrives, the illusion (or his delusions) is shattered.

Posts about telling stories that works on parties and dates, but also post about having only been on one date since transitioning 3 years ago. He seem to have latched on to the idea that he should have been born not only a woman, but specifically a lesbian, that if he just had the female body he would be ok just being himself and still be attractive to women, as a 'soft butch' or something.

And in a way it's easier to feel sympathy for him than the loud mouth 'girl dick' 'big tiddies' transbians, but at the same time, he goes on a lesbian forum posting about feeling like a man, while dropping the 'trans man' hint to make it seem like he is female, no word about his actual trans status. That's incredibly decieving. He also post about feeling like a man when he's angry, and that he has a short temper and is aggressive sexually.

That makes me think him going on dating sites catfishing lesbians and throwing fits when they're not interested has most likely happened during these three dateless years. He might very well have two reddit accounts, one with all his trans history and a lot of hatred of women, and this one, his 'real lesbian' account where he's all 'poor me, am I too aggressive, I'm just like you, will someone like me, I'm insecure'.

All in all, this level of deception (or if I'm being nice dissociation, but that doesn't make it any less unsettling) creeps me out way more than other transbians. This is also why I took a look at /actuallylesbian after true lesbians was banned, and left. I don't want to discuss relationship dynamics with someone who's secretly male and getting validation from being 'just one of the lesbians'. No thank you.

[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 22 insightful - 2 fun22 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Hot damn. Can we spell it together, kids: A-G-P. That was an amazing summary, thanks for looking and writing about it! What an amazing case study. I'm saving this one.


while dropping the 'trans man' hint to make it seem like he is female, no word about his actual trans status. That's incredibly decieving.

THIS!!!!!!!!! THIS is the wording I was looking for! I think this is one of the most deceptive things I've seen a trans person do yet.

[–]winterwillow 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you and you're welcome! You're right, it's very deceptive, and much like any other 'nice guy' he seems to feel entitled to women's time and attention simply by not being as bad as the other transbians. Never ceases to amaze me how these males can act exactly like so many other straight men, while claiming to be the exact opposite.

I wrote a longer reply to another user below about finding his trans account, you'll probably find it interesting as well. I would post his other username but I don't want to break any rules.