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[–][deleted] 17 insightful - 6 fun17 insightful - 5 fun18 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

"So now you have an X with an SRY and a Y with no SRY. What does this mean?"

It means this person is male with an intersex condition. Saved you 10+ tweets of posturing.

Seriously everything this person listed are varying intersex and genetic disorders, that are VERY rare. Much rarer than your garden variety TRA who tries to tell people biological sex is a spectrum.

It's not black and white

It is black and white over 99% of the time. The things people are bringing up in this thread are anomalies which describe intersex people, and that TRAs have stolen and used as a shield.

There's many naturally tall masculine women who are getting mocked by transphobes

No. There are naturally tall masculine women who are getting told by TRAs that they're transmen.

This is all literally before you throw the sociological aspect of gender into the mix... ya know.. MOST of what gender is. Social.

Big bruh moment from this transbian. If most of gender is social then you admit that gender is not innate, and that people who transition are merely reinforcing traditional gender roles.

Also lol at all of the gender specials in the comments wanting to get their genes and hormones tested now. I thought that stuff didn't matter. Y'know, 'chromosomes and hormones don't make you male or female' and all that. Isn't that the point of this whole thread? To show how """"complex"""" biological sex is and that at the end of the day your chromosomes, genetics, and hormones supposedly can't tell someone if you're male or female? Despite that being true in 99% of humans? If that stuff is irrelevant, why bother having it tested? But sure, have yourself tested and see just how depressingly normal you all are. No extra or missing chromosomes, no mutated genes, no indications of exposure to excess fetal estrogens or androgens. Just a narcissist with a victim complex who uses gender woowoo bullshit in place of a real personality.