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[–]IridescentAnacondastrictly dickly 28 insightful - 21 fun28 insightful - 20 fun29 insightful - 21 fun -  (4 children)

That made my brain hurt.

On another note, today my husband wife showed me his her choice for new drapes in one of our bedrooms. I told him her it looked a little feminine. But then I became really excited because now that he she is clearly female (I have already declared my transgender status) we can now transition as a couple from heterosexual to lesbian.

Who says two gay men can't be lesbians?

[–]just_lesbian_things 19 insightful - 4 fun19 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 4 fun -  (3 children)

Who says two gay men can't be lesbians?

I honestly prefer two gay men pretending to be lesbians than bihet women married to men pretending to be lesbians.

[–]8bitgay 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I find it interesting to compare how people of different sexualities tend to act.

I don't see as much drama from "straight" transwomen, who are exclusively into men. Maybe because they're wise enough to know that trying to bully straight men into dating them wouldn't work. Straight people are too large of a group, there aren't insular straight communities for them to pressure. Maybe because straight isn't a cool label like gay or lesbian, so they don't need to defend it so strongly. Maybe because they grew up as gay men, so they have a bit more of empathy towards other people's sexuality than a straight man that grew up as straight before deciding he's "lesbian".

[–]just_lesbian_things 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is because there's a difference between how gay men and lesbian women are treated. And that's because there's a difference in how men and women are treated. All of this is caused by sexism and the subjugation of women under patriarchy.

Without getting too much into it, the main problem society has with gay men is because of their attraction to other men. The main problem society has with lesbians is their refusal to have sex with men. Obviously, the reverse is true to an extent, but look at the main criticism being leveled at lesbians: man-hater, because we don't want to fuck men. Lesbians are far more likely than gay men to be correctively raped as a form of conversion therapy.

Gay men get along much better with women because there hasn't been numerous instances of women correctively raping gay men to cure them of their homosexuality. Yeah, straight women can be really disrespectful in gay men's spaces. But from what I can tell, women are still way more respectful of gay men's boundaries than men are of mine. Pretty much every lesbian I know have had instances of men trying to fuck them despite being told no, men treating their sexuality like a fetish. I've personally had a man expose his penis to me after sneaking into a lesbian-only space.

The thing that a lot of non-lesbians don't really understand is that lesbians need to be able to say no. No as in never. There's been awful histories with bihet women trying to sneak their boyfriends into lesbian spaces, force their boyfriends onto lesbian women. Sometimes it's the woman's personal fantasy, usually it's as a "special treat" to their man or a hail mary to save their shitty relationship. I'm sure there has been instances of bihet men sneaking their girlfriends into gay spaces and trying to force their girlfriends on gay men, but I've never heard it with any sort of frequency. Usually, the man is going behind their gf/wives' back to cheat. By and large, men's boundaries are far more respected than women's. By and large, society cares more about men's pleasure than women's.

Lesbians aren't "defending" the lesbian label because it is "cool". That's a common mistake non-lesbians make because non-lesbians don't see it from our perspective and they don't care to. Bihet women especially view it as a form of "stinginess" or "gatekeeping". We "defend" it because it's part of saying no. It means no men. Not now, not ever. Bihet women who call themselves lesbians are undermining that.

Also, "straight" transwomen who try funny shit usually gets murdered. Not so much for agp trash.