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[–]BiHorror 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I never said you specifically, but I noticed a lot of people on here always assume someone to be bisexual when some fool (ex: straight woman dating transwomen who call themselves "lesbians," people on here call them "bisexual," despite the woman only dating males) decides to date transpeople.

Personally, I do not see it that way. Hetero/homoflexibility, if true, is a subset of hetero/homosexuality. Why? Because for two reasons (one that i explained to reluctent commenter which is 1): 1. majority of these people call themselves "flexible" because they've had a fantasy, a fleeting "attraction," or may have had dated or kissed the opposite/same sex without attraction. But due to these things, they wouldn't be considered a "goldstar" gay or straight person. 2. While some (and when I say some, I mean the minority) may have an "attraction," it's more incidental/slightly. I wouldn't consider these incidental/slightly as "bisexual," as these said "atttactions" go in and out. Not in a FEB or FEM way, but a... Basically think they might be attracted but they're not. If that makes sense. These people would've been the perfect example of "it's a phrase" stereotype. That's why I don't want them to be considered bisexuals .

Edit: words