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[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, male/female brain dimorphism is a thing. What' they're pointing out is that the brains of same-sex attracted people are shifted in the opposite direction to their own sex. So a gay man has a brain that also kinda looks more like a woman's, not that it is female-typical.

Researchers have looked at brains of AGP individuals and did not find the shift--men with male-typical brains. In HSTS men, they were shifted female.

So it amuses me that everyone is dogpiling on this article, when it's actually somewhat formative in dealing with the issue at hand, which is primarily the trans cabal being run by the AGP.

And if you really put on your thinking cap, you'll realize that homosexuality is an epiphenomenum to a neuroanatomical intersex condition. At least one of the etiologies. Think about all the other things that exist with a gay man. It's not just that he likes dick. Career choices, manner of speaking, gait, motor movements, interests in hobbies, interior decorating, effeminacy. Etc.