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[–]lovelyspearmintLesbeing a lesbian 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Sorry, I shouldn't have used that sort of description. What I meant was that as soon as someone finds both sexes sexually attractive, even if it's rarely for a particular sex, then that can be considered a spectrum, which is expected from bisexuality. To say the same for homosexuals and heterosexuals is to say that everyone is a little bi, which is incorrect.

As for spectrum, I mean it in the sense of any place between two extremes, the extremes being homo and hetero attraction, much like the Kinsey Scale. If someone is only interested in, say, men, you can't say that their sexuality is a spectrum. At no point are they going to find women sexually attractive, and if they do, then there's no shame in saying that they're bisexual and that their interests lean more towards men than women. That's perfectly fine.

But as a lesbian, I'm never going to find men sexually attractive. I may find some women more attractive than others, but I'm no more or less homosexual as a result.

Ignore the label part, you've made your point. I mostly saw it as a way for a person to weed out a majority of what they're not looking for. For example, if I use a lesbian label on a dating site, that should announce to any men who find me suitable that I am not interested in them. I understand that words have been muddied in recent times, so gay, lesbian, bisexual can mean fuck all these days, so idk. I guess I'm remembering a time when labels genuinely meant something concrete.

[–]Ladis_Wascheharuum 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If someone is only interested in, say, men, you can't say that their sexuality is a spectrum.

I would agree that an individual's sexuality isn't a spectrum (like a single wavelength of color is not a spectrum) but it lies on a spectrum that exists, which was my real point.

I use a lesbian label on a dating site

See, that's fine. I believe labels are great if they're practical for usefully identifying things. On a dating site, it's totally fair game to say you're lesbian, because it's hugely useful there, as a time saver.

In my ideal world, though, if you saw a woman you fancied you shouldn't need to figure out if she's a lesbian, you'd just ask her out. If she gave a "no", would it really matter if she was straight or just not into you? You're not getting together either way, so there's no practical benefit to having a label in that situation.

[–]lovelyspearmintLesbeing a lesbian 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Talking about labels outside of dating online, it could help people avoid unpleasant or awkward situations. If you knew someone was straight, you would never hit on them as if it could make them feel targeted, uncomfortable. In an ideal world, we would respect people's boundaries and labels, not suggest they try X or Y. Now, there is the matter of individual taste which puts a wrench in the works :/