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[–]MarcelineKnows[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

So true, OPPRESSED_REPTILIAN, aka salty emo lizard, constantly goes around and says sexist things like "most men are rapists, male sexuality is perversion and degeneracy", someone shared the messages salty emo sent them with me months ago, here's an instance:

And radical feminists do the same thing, they blindly hate on men like salty emo does, and call most men 'abusive rapists'. The reason they only care about 'trans women' and barely ever mention 'trans men' is because they hate men. Everytime I had conversations with radical feminists, they said things like 'kill all men, I want to remove them until noone is left', this was just one instance of it on tumblr where I was dming a radical feminist to have a discussion with her:

Salty emo hating radical feminists is ironic, they are exactly a radical feminist themselves. Or at the very least have the exact same attitude as radical feminists and say the same things they do.

I'm a woman btw, but I would never want to be associated with man-hating men or man-hating women.