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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]FrostyNugsI'm allergic to nuts 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Lol, I believe that transgender people deserve human rights, but I just don't believe that they are what they claim to be. My views aren't extreme in any way. You guys want to be the victim of actual oppression so damn bad, and I honestly don't understand why. "Your ideas are dumb and not based in reality." This is actually fucking hilarious from the people who believe that taking hormones to slightly change fat distribution and hair growth legitimately gives people the body of the opposite sex, or even something close enough to make it fair for mtfs to compete in women's sports.

    Most normal people do not truly believe that transwomen are women or that transmen are men, they're just being polite. I actually didn't start out as an evil terf; I was originally very supportive of the transgender community. I sympathized with their struggle of not feeling comfortable in their own bodies, and even though I did not truly believe they were what they said they were, I was fine playing pretend if it made them a little happier. What turned me from ally into drop the t supporter, was seeing people insist that we alter every rule even at the expense of other groups like women, to cater to a fraction of a percent of the population. It was seeing people who were clearly heterosexual men with a fetish be allowed into lesbian spaces only to say the same disgusting shit the worst of straight men have been saying to lesbians forever, only to have it met with support from the "queer community." It was seeing even innocent questions instantly met with guilt tripping. And most of all, it was seeing support for children who can't fully comprehend the consequences of voluntarily becoming a lifetime medical patient be put on cross-sex hormone regimens and experimental puberty blockers. I was very much a tomboy as a kid, and very uncomfortable in my body. If I was born years later I almost certainly would have sought out transition, when without it I just grew up and eventually made peace with being born female.

    I realized I could not truly support the movement anymore. I truly do believe that transgender people are not lesser people just for being transgender, and many of them are wonderful people. I wish you the best, have a wonderful day. :)