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[–]Gearbeta 28 insightful - 1 fun28 insightful - 0 fun29 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gatekeeping is bad if done excessively, like if someone says "hey cool, you're a fan of seahawks, I am too!" And you respond with "oh yeah? Well you're not a real fan until you can tell me who the quarterback was in 1976 and how many interceptions he threw!" That's bad gatekeeping, cause knowing such info has nothing to do with being a fan of the Seahawks. it's related sure, but all he really has to do is like the team and root for them. People have confused that form of gatekeeping with having standards and boundaries. It's only bad gatekeeping when you're trying to kick out people who fit the description based on arbitrary nonsense. Sort of like... TRAs trying to say that TERFs aren't real lesbians. So lol they DO gatekeep in a way.