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[–]Feather 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The death tolls in the millions were projections for if nobody did anything. They were the, "If everyone behaved just like normal indefinitely, this is how many people would die," numbers. And they were true. If we'd all behaved exactly like normal, it would have been millions. Instead, we've had a coronavirus season that's 4x as deadly as a bad flu season even while we have mostly shut down our economy. "200k dead when most people don't even go out" = "Millions dead if we had behaved like normal."

It's wrong when people say, "We shouldn't have protected ourselves; things aren't as bad as people said they could be," because the truth is, "Things aren't as bad as people said they could be, because many of us protected ourselves."

There were some overrun hospitals. You do not live in NYC or certain cities in Texas, correct?

State-level responses were hindered by the federal government confiscating masks that states had paid for and ordered in order to resell those masks at a profit. Northeastern states then had to get masks for their medical workers in rather creative and/or shady ways after the federal government took the masks the states had already paid for.

I don't blame Trump for the existence of Covid. Obviously not. The guy has nothing to do with a virus coming into existence and being dangerous and contagious, nor is he at fault for how badly China handled it at the start. He also isn't at fault for the stupid media storm in the U.S. near the beginning, where the liberal-leaning media AND the CDC AND the WHO claimed masks were useless and silly and unscientific and "BUT THE FLU." (I believe they claimed these things in a fruitless attempt to avoid a mask shortage for medical workers. They didn't think far ahead enough to realize, "Medical workers actually won't need as many masks if all our citizens cover their faces and therefore inhibit spread and, if we lie about masks now, people might not wear masks later.")

But now we've got a whole bunch of morons who think it's a hate crime against both Trump and God if they cover their mouth and nose with a thin, breathable piece of fabric. If he only put a mask on his face and said, "If you love me, you'll wear a mask like I do," this pandemic would have been under control months ago.

If all of us - the liberal-leaning media, the WHO, Trump, everyone - had behaved better, we wouldn't have anything close to a two-hundred-thousand death toll.

If we'd all worn masks - and, again, our lack of doing that is the shameful responsibility of so many people other than Trump - it could have been 20k instead of 200k.

[–]slushpilot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I seem to recall their original projection was 150k for the first "flatten the curve" wave.