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[–]TurkishCoffee 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I mean, I think gender identity is mostly bullshit at this point. I think that "lady brain" in a man's body is also a bullshit explanation. I think there are some people who actually do have real honest-to-bob gender dysphoria. I think that there are a lot of assholes who live in fantasyland who don't.

I think anyone who is that dysphoric, it's really up to them what makes that better. If it's transitioning and surgery and hormones? Y'know, as long as everybody is an adult, they've got every right to do to their body whatever they want. I don't care. I'll call you the name, and pronouns you wish to be called - but that's a default setting in my world.

I will not cater to absolute crazy assholish behavior and the sheer narcissistic psycho behavior that a lot of them display. I will not stop being who I am for their comfort. Women do not need to cater to their every whim, and eliminate all gendered language ever to appease them. Get over it.

Largely- dont fucking wear your ass as a hat and we can all get along. Once you start wearing your ass as a hat, trampling over spaces you don't belong (not all women's non-public spaces are, or need to be trans inclusive), threatening violence, or insisting that anybody like your girldick? They can go jump off a cliff with all the other jerks in this world. Not because they're trans, but because they're horrible awful abusive violent people. If they're not? Then, whatever.

The ratio of decent to not decent is pretty skewed so i'm leery, but, there do exist reasonable non asshole transgender people and I have no probem being their friend.

I think the trend to be nonbinary queer when realistically you're cisgendered straight or bi woman, is just a way to opt in via virtue signaling. and it's kind of gross, but, again, i'll deal with whatever pronouns you want. I think people confuse gender-stereotype-conformity with any sort of actual identity and it's deeply harmful.

I'm not a radfem. You could call me GC. But i approach it from a largely libertarian angle which isn't very compatible with most radfem stuff as best as I can tell.

They'll call me a terf and I dont give a fuck.

But i am an old school 90s "girls can do anything" kinda bitch with a chainsaw, a workshop (i'm bad at wood working but i do try sometimes), and work as an engineer. I'm still a woman. Anyone who argues otherwise can get bent.

[–]BiHorror[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

gender identity is mostly bullshit at this point.

It is, especially when you find out the origins was made by some dude who experimented on a child and his brother... But then it also led to the whole distinction between sex and gender terminology.

I think the trend to be nonbinary queer when realistically you're cisgendered straight or bi woman, is just a way to opt in via virtue signaling

Yeah, those who aren't really LGB but still want in on the community.