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[–]SavvyDiogenes 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The more this spreads, the less support they'll have. The only reason why TRAs are unchallenged is because most people can't be half assed to give a shit about their existence. Apathy and silencing is their only advantage - when you force people out of their apathy, and when you "cancel" so many people that the word loses it's power (happened to "nazi"- tell me, when you hear someone call another person a nazi, do you imagine a genuine Hitler-loving neo-nazi, or just a run of the mill right winger?) then you've shot yourself in the foot. The Tavistock scandal is just the beginning and the drop in LGBT acceptance (GLAAD survey) will be fuel for the fire. The saddest part is that the LGB (and probably feminists too) will be associated with this madness also. If it weren't for that simple fact I'd be more than glad to watch them self destruct.