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[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Simply always knew I liked guys and had no interest in girls. I think I was 10 when I realised that I find guys attractive, but it wasn't before I was 14 that I acknowledged that I was gay.

I have no emotional, romantic, physical or whatever attraction to women whatsoever.

I had a 'girlfriend' for two years when I was twelve. Never so much as kissed--we were just good friends at the time. Even the concept of being 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend' stemmed from the fact that we enjoyed spending time together and that's what other kids at the time called us and what we figured we were.

I was always attracted to males, turned on by males and my first ever crush was a new guy in my class when I was 10. The first 'porn' I ever gravitated towards was male--I never even had an interest in women's bodies.

Some people are straight, some people are gay, and some people fall somewhere in-between. I'm gay :p

The whole saga with the trans activism and various viewpoints regarding being with trans people has caused me to realise how many people really fall in that grey area yet appropriate sexual orientation identities that don't belong to them.

I wonder if it's because they find it easier to find partners when they call themselves 'gay' or 'straight' than when they call themselves bi or pan? I have to admit that I have no interest in being with someone who's not gay.

[–]indeepshadowsBi woman[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if it's because they find it easier to find partners when they call themselves 'gay' or 'straight' than when they call themselves bi or pan?

Probably! My own brother, for instance, sometimes has sex with men and transwomen, but he still calls himself straight. Whether it's because he only seems to develop romantic attraction towards natal women or if he struggles with internalized homophobia (I know I do, and we're of the same upbringing), I don't know. I can well imagine some Kinsey scale 5 people wouldn't be keen to talk about their slight interest in the opposite sex if they're seeking a same-sex relationship. I hope more people realised that it's okay to be bisexual.