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[–]LiterallyawomanTERF IRL 10 insightful - 5 fun10 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Even though this is technically a gal, one of my favorite comedic bits: "I have lots of drag queens around and I like to study them—and I mean, more of your high-end type of drag queens, not like your tenderloin drag queens. Who, I'm sorry, aren't even fucking trying. Like a lot of them just have a mop on their head and a skirt and are like, "I'm a gal!"

You're not a gal....You went through all the trouble to put on a nice dress, and now you're gonna be rude and bossy to people? It's like, do you know what your version of a lady is a lot like? A guy. You could've stayed a guy if you were gonna be an asshole about it" - John Mulaney