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[–]LiterallyawomanTERF IRL 24 insightful - 3 fun24 insightful - 2 fun25 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The way I see it-live your best life offline, be fit and healthy and have healthy outlets for creativity and physical activity unlike the twitter trolls-have meaningful and difficult conversations irl with your friends, family, and coworkers; the majority of people know and treat woke gender politics as a joke because they think it doesn’t affect them-and as long as we aren’t complicit in real life the internet brigading will ultimately be circular and superfluous.

In real life we educate our loved ones on not being taken advantage of by narcissists and opportunistic energy vampires by asserting each other’s personal worth and right to say NO to people who would pressure us to give up our bodily rights or real life LGB and Woman’s spaces.

This is a conversation i've already had with younger female family but it bears repeating in light of all the TRA garbage- your body is YOUR body and you don't owe anyone a conversation let alone a date or sex, AND the people who weaponize their victimhood to get pity friendship and dates are the MOST manipulative and toxic.

The most susceptible people are insecure teenagers and 20 somethings who broadcast their mental health disorders like a calling card for abuse. Real community in the real world matters now more than ever before the trans cult sucks up every desperate lonely kid who craves validation and feels like they don’t belong. Validate your community and foster acceptance because these termites thrive on negativity and taking advantage of a false image of society where we all must separate further and further into identify politics labels to feel accepted and that’s bullshit.