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[–]Radfem_the_Hun 93 insightful - 1 fun93 insightful - 0 fun94 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

We all feel like we're going crazy, you're not alone.

If anything, all of this has really shown just how little women are respected. Perhaps that's why so many people are reacting so viciously when called out? People really really really do not like to be told they are being sexist, racist, classist, etc. It gets their minds churning and causes existential crises. So, they lash out instead of having to face the truth.

For me, one of the most upsetting aspects of this entire debate is how much respect I have lost for so many people who have fallen for this TRA nonsense. Not necessarily those who just parrot "TWAW" or whatever, but the ones who display full-on misogyny and homophobia as if it's the "right thing to do." Every single person who has used a misogynistic slur against JK Rowling or anyone defending her has outed themselves for who they truly are, and I will never forget.

When all of this is over - and it will be over eventually, it just might take thousands upon thousands of lawsuits to happen - do we really think any of these TRA warriors will apologize or even admit their fault? I think no, because they will still be selfish assholes who cannot admit they have ever done any wrong ever. My prediction is that they will claim they were tricked and are victims of the experts/doctors who told them all of this was safe and good, and likely they will also blame women (and LGB supporters) for creating an atmosphere of competition that obfuscated the real problem. Even though the "real problem" is exactly what women and LGB are trying to clarify.

It feels like a futile fight, and we all might end up as the nameless fighters forgotten by history, but we are fighting the good fight. Knowing that is the only thing that keeps me fighting.

[–]joogabahGay shows the way 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm hoping this will be like a vaccine for subsequent issues that reminds society why freedom of speech is so important (and that it is meaningless if it is not the freedom to offend). Most people appear to confuse what is familiar with what is true, or maybe I should say what is consensus with what is true, even though there are a ton of counter examples. That leaves them wide open to social manipulation. All those noxious ideologies from yesteryear that seem so outrageous? Now we get to see how that works.