



Thank you for considering becoming a moderator, we're always looking to add a few more mods to the team! We're glad you're here, and please read on to find out more.

How It Works

After we receive your answers, our current mod team will review and come to a decision. We'll let you know our decision within one week.

You can pause or withdraw your application at any time, just say the word. We hold no ill-will towards anyone who decides this isn't a good fit personally. After all, it IS a responsibility and you'll be volunteering your time and efforts.

This isn't a complete list, and there can certainly be mix-and-match among various duties ... but here's a few examples of different moderator roles that may interest you:

  • Full Permissions / "top mod": this type of mod embraces EVERYTHING that running a sub entails. You'll guide the vision and purpose of the sub, including creating/revising rules to fit our goals, and making sticky announcements to update the community. You care about user management and the tone we present, and will review reported comments/posts (ModQueue) for rule-breaking behavior and take action as-needed. You'll ban users, and be able to add Approved Users (in the event the sub needs to go private). You'll communicate with users via ModMail, and coordinate with other mods via our private channels to ensure everyone is updated and the sub stays aligned to our goals. You'll manage Wikis, CSS styling (including flair), and creating/updating any bots we utilize (including AutoModerator). You'll vet new moderator applications, and be able to invite new mods to the team and remove those below you in the heirarchy. This is a pro-active role and responsibility, requiring regular engagement, communication, and dedication.

  • Technical Support: this type of mod doesn't care much for user management or guiding the sub, but is deeply interested in back-end design, including code and site creation. You don't have to be a full stack or web developer IRL, but you love a good puzzle, and the challenge of writing code and seeing projects come to life. You might occasionally help with Wikis, but your primary role will be CSS styling (including flair), and creating/updating any bots we utilize (including AutoModerator). This is a supportive role, not a decision-maker or gatekeeper.

  • Writing / Author: this type of mod doesn't care much for user management or guiding the sub, but loves to take a few key ideas and write articles about them. Your primary role will be creating and updating Wiki pages, and occasionally helping Full Permission/"top mods" draft announcements to the community. This is a supportive role, not a decision-maker or gatekeeper.

  • Reports and Content Moderation: this type of mod cares about user management and the tone we present, and will review reported comments/posts (ModQueue) for rule-breaking behavior and take action as-needed. As time progresses, you'll be given permissions to ban users, add Approved Users, and handle ModMail. Any questions and concerns will be handled with other mods via our private channels. This is a supportive role, not a decision-maker or gatekeeper.


1) Users must have regular access to a computer, and check-in daily. Mobile moderating is not permitted at this time.
2) Users with an account less than 1 year old - and/or with no post or comment activity on SaidIt - will be required to provide your Reddit user name. You will be contacted on Reddit for verification purposes. This information will be held in the strictest confidence, and only known to our mod team (and Admins, of course).
3) Users must be an active participant in this sub.

How To Apply

Send us a ModMail answering these questions:

  • What kind of mod do you want to be? Please use the examples noted above, or create your own description!

  • What country/time zone are you in?

  • How much time are you able to devote to moderating each day?

  • Do you have prior moderator experience? If so, please provide a few examples of the subs or forums you currently moderate.

  • What do you think (or imagine) the toughest thing will be about moderating s/LGB?

  • Were you previously active in any LGB(TQ+) subs on Reddit? What did you like most/least about them?

  • What is your biological sex?

  • What is your sexual orientation?

  • Any other information you'd like us to know?

revision by NutterButterFlutter— view source