:: About Us ::
This sub is a community for lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual men/women where we talk about our day-to-day lives.
We discuss a broad range of topics -- from hobbies/interests, entertainment, memes, LGB issues, to relationships! Anything related to LGB is allowed except for gender identity topics - please see rules below.
This is not a debate sub.
This sub enforces language and topic censoring.
Mods will remove rule-breaking posts and comments, regardless of where on the Pyramid Of Debate they may be.
:: Rules ::
1) Be Civil: Healthy debates are natural, but civility is required. We strive to foster a welcoming environment.
2) Off-Topic: Posts regarding gender identity, "drop the T", transitioning, or detransitioning will be removed. Please see our list of other subs in the LGBT+ ecosystem below to locate a more appropriate sub.
3) No Self-promotion or Spam: Self-advertising posts, spam, and irrelevant links are not allowed.
4) Disallowed Language: No anti-gay, lesbian, or bisexual speech. No racism, ableism, or anti-semitism. Finally, no anti-trans speech such as troon, trancel, or tranny.
5) Saidit Rules: Please review SaidIt Terms & Content Policy, and be mindful of sitewide rules.
Please review our Wiki for further detailed rules and FAQs.
:: LGBT Ecosystem ::
:: Mods ::
If you have any further inquiries or concerns, please message our mod team.