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[–]Ash 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

You are not the only one. I was banned from subs I never participated in. Making a post in cringe anarchy, redditmuseum of filth or the satire r/againsthatesubs is ban worthy for those pussy rainbow transpeople subs.

To the Crazy women of r/dating strategies. I never posted or participated in your loony corner of reddit. I just subscribed for following the trainwreck of future bunny killers. Same with the other sfw-tranny subs I got banned from!

I suggest you download and save anything related to your Reddit account. It's only a matter of time before we all get a global reddit ban, and it would be a shame for all the porn and r/didn't knowIwantthisSobad posts to get lost. Same for youtube and other social media. Google is seriously asking me to verify my age, on an account that is active since 2005. They all know my shit and can't fool me because of new child safety regulations! They will not get my passport details. Pigs!

Do we have a mirror or archive for saidit? I don't want to panik but I've seen how it went down with Voat. I can't access the early, good stuff because I don't remember my log-in details.