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[–]GConly 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn't knew the sub was only for Transgender Activism

As is twox.

So I've pointed out the issues for women's safety with mixed sex loos etc, only to be mobbed by people saying how we can't penalise men for the criminal offending of some.

I then pointed out about 10% of men have committed a rape by college age, more have sexually harassed women or committed lesser sexual assaults.

And I got banned.

That isn't feminism, it's serving male interests at the expense of women.

I asked in some other subs, realized all actual feminists subs were banned for "hate speech" and that the mod who banned me is a mod in all feminist spaces still activr,

Yep. Basically if you won't accept people like Yaniv are women because they say so, you are an evil alt righter.

Trust me ask the public face to face about this and most of them agree with us. The ones who don't come into two camps:

So hardcore woke they don't care about the female victims.

Those who don't understand what the average transwoman actually is. Most of them think they are all/mostly very effeminate post ops who had childhood dysphoria. It's quite a shock to find out they are mostly straight guys complete with D+B, and if anything slightly higher sex offending rates than normal.

I've been banned from a lot of places for posting the sex offending rates. I had a pro trans sub remove a whole thread where I asked what evidence they had transwomen committed sex offences at a lesser rate.

They were not happy. I had the hard data on my side.