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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

We already determine that things like stealing and murder are illegal. So I see little difference. I'm not an Anarchist, so I believe that we need a strong government to enforce the law and keep its citizens safe.

CHAZ was formed by Communist terrorists. They illegally seized and occupied both public and private property, declared secession, and began beating people who disagree with them half to death. They even killed two people. There was widespread crime, including theft and extortion. They committed treason against the United States by attempting to violently form a new country. They struck fear into the hearts of millions when their crimes where opened up for the world to see. They worship Karl Marx and other Communist "intellectuals". It is a Communist terrorist movement.

Pretending like China isn't Communist is an attempt by the left to normalize it. Who owns most industry in China? The government. It's Communist. And pretending like you can have Communism without Authoritarianism is another lie the left tells. Every socialist state has been a totalitarian dictatorship, or at the very least became one within 10 years.

[–]twam 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Here's the difference: Eugenics can have a far larger effect. What if we got rid of a group that we considered undesirable (such as autistic people), but later it turned out they weren't? Or we killed people subject to a condition that we thought was genetic but wasn't? We would ruin a lot of lives for no good reason. Additionally, eugenics, while not inherently racist, is a tool that can be easily used to justify racism. I'd argue that deciding who reproduces and who doesn't isn't something that the government should be able to do, because of all possible abuse.

Additionally, the main difference is that theft and murder are things that you do. Eugenics is based on who you are. We can decide what deeds are good and bad to SOME extent, but we can't decide what people are good or bad.

I'm just saying that CHAZ isn't actually a serious threat to anything in America. I'm not contradicting anything that you're saying.

That's because nobody likes socialism. The only way to have a government that nobody likes it to make it authoritarian. If the majority of the world just gave socialism a chance (like they did in Europe), it would work out.

[–]SaidOverRed 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You need to understand that eugenics does not involve killing people. Also a huge portion of the political left likes socialism, globally or even in anti-socialist america. Look at the stats on college grads. They vote too, you know.