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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Not just banning, but I'd also like to see a more democratic approach to policies too, not that we really need to much if anything on that front, at present. Usually the policies just gets handed down, and then people comment on it. That's worked so far, but I'd rather see the problem thrown out there with a request for solution ideas.

I'd also love for there to be an active SaidIt roadmap with software plans, site goals, community goals, etc. with an occasional changelog type update of things that have been accomplished, upgrades, remaining issues, and problems (much like the /s/SaiditCanary). It doesn't have to be regular or monthly even and it certainly needn't be a long manifesto. I'm guessing some of this may already be on GitHub (which is all Greek to me and others). Armed with this info we might be able to collectively be more proactive and raise funds for code-bounties if there was a particular function that was desired but needed code development. If nothing else, a roadmap would help make SaidIt feel less ephemeral, rudderless, and potentially censored/shut down at any moment - while providing a more driving purpose and a stronger sense of community meaning for those who may seek it.

Above all, I'd love for us to find better ways of working together and to ease the stresses, strains, and burdens of M7 in whatever ways we can. We can't help if we don't know about them. Maybe I've missed it, but to my knowledge M7 is not one to ask for help or delegate when he probably could or should.