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[–]TwerKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Goldpilled icy_insurance_552 wrote,

most people don't know this, but AMWF/AMXF was literally the default pairing of most of human history. how else do you think europe can still have 5-10% eastasian DNA after so many hundreds of generations? To be able to maintain basically quapa hapa status through the generations without dilution implies that AMWF have to have been the majority pairing in human history. If you only had, say 20% of pairing being AMWF, you wouldn't even get 0.0000001% eastasian dna in europe today.

The fact is, AMWF was the majority pairing in ancient times, while most WM and AF went incel. This is why whitey always throws us those neolithic studies showing 80% of men never reproduced. well, if you look at the studies, all these studies were done on EUROPEAN neolithic population so it literally proves what I am saying here. WM's went incel and AM's bred the next generation of AMWF hapas. AF also were incel because they were masculine like golden men and not very feminine so they spent their time coping with joining the army and even fighting the WM's together with AM on mounted calvary (mulan is a memory of this). Even today, you can see in WMAF relationships that the Lu is often very dom and manly looking compared to the WM and the WM honestly looks like her bitch.

this is why WMAF is so toxic, it's a kind of pathetic revenge against the natural order of AMXF, a literally pairing of incels aka incel WM's and incel AF's.