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A place to discuss Golden Issues and empower Golden people through masculinisation and pro-Golden media. For SEA/EA related groups only.
Please be mindful and follow the saidit rules.
Blackpill tv, a legendary amxf youtube channel has been terminated. Rest easy champ!! You'll always be remembered.
submitted 1 year ago * by TwerKing - announcement from self.GoldensFirst
WARNING: Disturbing content. SHARE this page to other Asians to wake them up! This is what you directly/indirectly support if you look up to NATO or the West. Child abuse,child rape,child murder and child cannibalism. Is THIS what you want to invite into your nation and to the children?
submitted 1 year ago * by AuricChicken - announcement from self.GoldensFirst
Why the usa establishment hates the amwf hapa led nation of russia?? Watch to find out.
submitted 10 months ago by TwerKing from
Very cute ginger dutch gurl with her filipino boifriend. Recommended to me by CC.
submitted 10 months ago by TwerKing from
Cutesy tootsies. Recommended to me by CC.
submitted 10 months ago by TwerKing from
Sexy ginger italian gurl with her chinese boifriend who is wearing prescribed clear glasses in a friend group picture. Recommended to me by CC.
A cute ginger slovenian gurl with her korean boifriend. Recommended to me by CC.
Filipino boi with his wyte murican gurlfriend go out for some pizza.
Another young ten out of ten blonde austrian stacey in her prime found the love of her life who happens to be an average looking jba/jbg filipino chang. They also produced children together. Support them by subscribing!! Please share their youtube channel to others who are fans of amxf vloggers.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Two very handsome japanese gaming brawler gigachangs collide, whose names are kazuya and ryu, seen at the center of the picture, get surrounded by iconic nintendo video game characters filled with apprehension. Recommended to me by CC.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Sourgrapes amerif@g moguls try to normalize hatred of japanese culture because amerif@gs can no longer compete with anime and manga. People from all over, including american fans of japanese media call it like it is in the comments as they know what's going on how insecure pedowood have always been.
Western dominance has ended, eupedonato foreign policy chieftan admits, warning to the west against the rest. Return of the golden far east (east asia, southeast asia, and central asia) is real!!
submitted 11 months ago by TwerKing from
A cute looking russian gurl happy with her below average looking tubby jba/jbg filipino boifriend who gives sexy passionate loving to her all day and all night. Support them by subscribing!! If personally disinterested, please share their youtube channel to others you know are fans of amxf vloggers.
A young ten out of ten blonde austrian stacey in her prime found the love of her life and he happens to be an average looking jba/jbg chinese chang. They also produced children together. Watch to learn about their story.
Japanese scientists develop self-healing plastic that becomes food in seawater.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at the un in nyc, while promoting mercenaries and sanctions.
A beautiful armenian gurl is a big fan of chinese things and low key thirsts for chinese changs.
Hsu Family 波蘭台灣家庭生活: A polish laydee's youtube channel with her chinese husband and their hapa son where they live in taiwan.
Cathedrals: An amwf musician duo. Support them and their music if you can.
Mommy russia sides with daddy china and uncle scam can't do anything about it.
submitted 12 months ago by TwerKing from
Russian gurl model loves the philippines and is deeply thinking about early retirement there while likely low key looking for a filipino chang as a boifriend or husband in the meantime.
Scottish gurl who probably also has some english descent low key looking for a vietnamese chang.
Love is immediately in the air when a cute filipino boi and a cute russian gurl meet for the first time.
Changs harem of wives: german gurls and russian gurls. One (russia) has been the longest contributor in large numbers since ancient times to wyte gurl jbw for changs, while the other's (germany) contribution in large numbers to wyte gurl jbw for changs is relatively more recent. I love both of them.
Japanese woman interviews some foreigners on the streets to ask their real thoughts about living in china, part 2. There are two very beautiful polish gurls shown from the 7:07 time mark. Both happen to be models. The blonde chick's fiance is chinese and he plays for the shanghai football team.
A young married amwf couple. He's a handsome filipino chang and she's a beautiful blonde stacey from the state of utah. The wife also usually models in the philippines and anywhere where modelling gigs are available. They travel together as much possible. Recommended to me by CC.
Turnthepaige, a beautiful southern usa ginger chick youtuber loves her korean boifriend and likely future husband. Please support them by subscribing or share her youtube channel with others who are fans of amxf vloggers. Recommended to me by CC.
A group of reactors where a filipino dude that usually sits in between his harem of gurlfriends. He's especially close to the sexy blonde. She's from the southern usa. Please support them by subscribing or share their youtube channel to others who are fans of amxf reactors. Recommended to me by CC.
Young amwf couple doing a sexy dance together.
Intimacy among Men of Chinese Heritage and Women of Non-Asian Heritage in Toronto, 1910–1950 – Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine
submitted 1 year ago by Messquito from
A beautiful ginger american stacey marries her handsome filipino chang!! Recommended to me by CC.
A beautiful ginger german chick and a cute korean boi are a couple!! Recommended to me by CC.
A beautiful polish ginger chick and a cute indonesian boi are a couple!! Recommended to me by CC.
A filipino chang with his wyte american stacey.
A beautiful ginger gamer chick who's a closet weeb, low key desires a japanese chang to d*ck her down. How do I know she's a weeaboo?? I remember her old instagram account where she posted many pics of herself cosplaying as nintendo video game characters.
Megan deluca, a beautiful ginger italian-american chick born and raised from the philly (philadelphia) area, expresses curiosity about living in the philippines. She also likely fantasizes to be d*cked down by a filipino chang. Recommended to me by CC.
A cute norwegian gurl discovers one of the biggest perks about being with a vietnamese boi. Recommended to me by CC.
Russian gurls are enamored by a japanese boi who knows how to speak multiple different languages.
A beautiful and young dutch and korean couple that is amwf. Support them by subscribing!! Also please share their youtube channel to others who are fans of amxf vloggers.
A beautiful and young amwf filipino finnish couple. Support them by subscribing to their youtube channel!! Also please share their channel to others who are fans of amxf vloggers.
Meeting another russian filipino couple that is amwf.
Time is running out to "make peace" with Russia, before permanent damage to Singapore's future
submitted 1 year ago by GoldenDynasty from
Central asian country kyrgyzstan is ultra based for ordering closure of all brothels as well as reiterating pledge to get rid of organized crime within their borders by 2026.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Shohei ohtani is the first player in history to win two unanimous mvp awards!!
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Shohei ohtani named one of people magazine’s sexiest men in sports, mlb news.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Stereotypes that are made up lies about east asians lacking in creativity affects leadership advancement in usa.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Sandara park explains why she thinks filipino dudes are wonderful to date.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Filipino boi weds his australian gurlfriend.
Things getting worse for amerif@gs.
Ten out of ten german stacey is married to a handsome filipino chang. The german stacey is more beautiful than most of the beautiful german chicks with dudes of korean, vietnamese, japanese, and chinese descent or anybody else really.
submitted 1 year ago * by TwerKing from self.GoldensFirst
A beautiful ginger czech stacey married to a handsome japanese chang. Recommended to me by CC.
submitted 9 months ago by TwerKing from
Deep depression caused by stagflation combined with the growing knowledge of amwf overall outnumbering wmaf, be getting amerif@gs to rope themselves, especially mayocels and their house niggcels.
submitted 10 months ago by TwerKing from
From an esteemed american university student to being a model in korea. Changs be mostly attracting young maidens with beauty and brains in their prime!! Can't say the same for mayos and nignogs as they normally attract one or the other and even neither many times, compared to what we usually get.
A tribute to akira toriyama, the mangaka legend who created dragonball, died on march 1, 2024.
Liberals are the most treacherous thing in the western hemisphere.
Korean husband and russian wife happily live a simple life in korea.
Korean boifriend visited his polish gurlfriend in her native country poland.
Japanese woman interviews some foreigners on the streets to ask their real thoughts about living in china. They all love it, especially young russian women that were interviewed. One likely has a chinese boifriend close to the end of the video. The other two are probably looking for chinese changs.
Korean hulk (golden bulk) is stronger.
Wf's normal reaction when she sees a chang's ordinary giant golden cock.
A study about the genetic link between native americans and the chinese.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Most of us know native americans have genetic links to the native golden people of siberia. New evidence shows that native americans can also be tracked to china.
Thailand’s remedy to shady big pharma.
A chang explains why the western ruling class insanely supports israel and ukraine to a lesser extent with usa taxpayer money.
I used to think it was an exaggeration when many non-golden people and golden people say that post-wwII japanese are probably the most polite ethnic group to ever exist, although when I saw this brief video, I was like "Holy cannoli, it's true after all."
Filipino dude shows the beautiful sights of his native country which is philippines to his italian wife.
A great example of why you shouldn't take western propaganda seriously
submitted 1 year ago by GoldenDynasty from self.GoldensFirst
Are you afraid of the dark?? Season 6 episode 2, "the tale of the misfortune cookie". Protagonist of the story is a young chang.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
Chang voice actor has golden vocals that are daddy material.
K-pop is cool to an extent, yet if the craze dies out, then what?? Southeast asian changs are prime examples of thriving without much media hype because jba/jbg is all they need. A lot of east asian dudes in contrast, seem to hinge on k-pop as a crutch. Enjoy it while it lasts though by slaying xfs.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
A cute gurl who is dutch and italian, chose an impoverished jungle chang to be her first boifriend. No need for media hype influences such as k-pop, although I'm not really against it. Either way, southeast asian dudes like pinoys are living up to their old stature as the prime example of jba/jbg.
submitted 8 months ago by TwerKing from
A cute gurl who is anglo-saxon aka english, chose a beach bum jungle chang to be her life partner. No need for media hype influences such as k-pop, although I'm not really against it. Either way, southeast asian dudes like pinoys are living up to their old stature as the prime example of jba/jbg.
Persian fighter gets conquered by a Chinaman
submitted 10 months ago by THEhusbandOFcs from
When she wants a cambodian man.
submitted 1 year ago by TwerKing from
The new youngest forbes listed self made billionaire in the world is a twenty five year old college dropout. His name is alexandr wang. He founded a startup called "scale" which they adroitly use artificial intelligence to automate computerized chores like image recognition and audio transcription.
Ten out of ten german stacey really loves riding a thai chang's "bike". Their faces weren't blurred when the youtube short was uploaded during its first month, although it later did due to a time sensitive aspect that automatically blocks out certain things by having sexually explicit suggestions.
A southeast asian vietnamese chang shares a concise description of jba/jbg and he's probably not even aware of what jba/jbg is at its most simple expression.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from self.GoldensFirst
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
What's the right answer on how to pull young beautiful german gurls in their prime if you're a broke and average looking hung lo nerd or even a broke and below average looking oofy doofy golden boi??
Unsurprising example besides many others about southeast asian dudes such as filipinos living the jba/jbg life.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
Southeast asian (filipino) changs reverse colonizing their country's main colonizer in the colonizer's home turf.
The doofus looking golden boi likely found his match made in heaven with a sexy bespectacled german gurl, while doofus looking wyte bois regularly get coaxed by uggo afs and xfs in dating platforms online. Lmao, jbw/jbm < jba/jbg.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
A sexy blonde german chick falls in love with vietnamese food and lowkey became a fan of the ggc, thanks to a doofus looking golden dude who is able to usually pull deutsche laydees by himself.
German gurls love thailand for a lot of things, although the one naughty reason they usually shy away from saying in front of a camera is that they enjoy being vigorously pounded by jungle asian dongs.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
A couple of cute german chicks accompanied a doofus looking golden dude exploring a deutsche city. Krautcels are very angry!!
Very cute german gurl gave a tour of her city for a doofus looking golden boi visiting germany. On the other hand, doofus looking wyte bois get kidnapped in golden countries, right after betabuxxing and beastmaxxing with uggo hookers they married. Lmao, jbw/jbm < jba/jbg.
A below average looking filipino dude's cute german gurlfriend said yes to marrying him. Another day, another example of jba/jbg.
Average height changs?? Short changs?? Tall changs?? German women likes trying all of them.
Remember that amwf is also quite common from older generations before zoomers. In fact, wmaf < amwf in quantity and quality within millennials, gen x, boomers, and prior when it comes to overall numbers outside the usa.
A stacey's thirst for the ggc.
Forever cuties.
An under aged multi-lingual becky simps for an adult indonesian chang and he kindly declines her thirstiness for him. She'll likely find a teen chang closer to her age where she lives.
Gold medalist fencing winner edgar cheung finds love with french woman fencer.
submitted 1 month ago by TwerKing from
Jasmines love changs.
Staceys love changs.
Shaniquas love changs.
Marias love changs.
A lot of star wars fangurls are thirsty for filipino chang, manny jacinto.
Chinese show that has amxf couples.
A very popular pop-up was started by an amwf couple and moving forward to become a real restaurant, and maybe even get very large as a chain sometime in the future.