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[–]Doberlady 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Liberals really fucked up by doubling down on trans rights. Average normal people can look at Lia Thomas cheating her way to the top and understand that that's fucking bullshit, let alone boomers and rural Trump fans who actively hate trans people. Democrats aren't going to win over opposing voters by hyperfocusing on trans issues that affect a miniscule percentage of the population. Meanwhile, issues that affect everyone like healthcare and abortion get zero attention, and look where we are now!

Transwomen don't have to worry about being forced to carry a pregnancy they don't want. They will never know the fear and anger women are experiencing right now.

Oh well. I guess the Christian Sharia Law taking over the country might at least have the effect of transwomen being legislated out of existence. Ironic.