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[–]Kai_Decadence 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I can see where you're coming from even though I wish people (men) would stop shutting women out and actually listen to why women don't support the ideology that is trying to erase them/you. But it also kinda irritates me when some women try to tow the line with the ideology like they won't call trans-identified men what they really are and call them "transwoman". I especially get disheartened when I see black women do this because black women are some of the biggest targets from these trans-identified men who love to make the accusation that black women are like men. Like I was watching a bit of this video and I could finish it because I was getting too frustrated by the woman trying to tow the line and validate these men and the comments weren't any better. I mean I understand why they're most likely doing this but they have to realize that by playing along with these larpers is not gonna help.

Sadly sticking up for women is the quickest way for a man to lose friends and allies though.

Unfortunately you're right but the saddest thing that got me with this is that all my friends were women...

[–]tu_jode_mucho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

OMG that video. I had to power through to watch the whole thing.

Unfortunately you're right but the saddest thing that got me with this is that all my friends were women...

Yea I can see that. I have a decent sized friend group of black lesbians and I already know if I mention anything negative about TIMs to most of them they'll take it like I'm being bigoted and punching down.

Honestly I think black women really don't realize how harmful TIMs are because it's not the same experience as what white women are going through with white TIMs. We aren't experiencing TIMs aggressively trying to get us to date them, we're dealing with TIMs vying for men's attention and affections and women are just not going to be threatened or bothered by essentially a gay male who's swerving all out of his lane trying to take women's spot in heterosexual world. And they're our peers within the black lgbt community so they leave lesbians alone for the most part. On top of that, black men aren't pushing the ideology down black women's throats. Black men aren't allies to black TIMs like how white men are to white TIMs. So outside of a small number of GC and Lipstick Alley-like most black women just view TIMs as harmless gay guys who weren't lucky enough to be born straight women so should be pitied. There aren't really any black transbians that would make it way easier to point out how twisted and misogynistic they are.

I think black women's "peaking" will be similar to gay men's regarding TIW. No, they can't replace you, they can't take your dating prospects and you're still held as the gold standard of your dating pool. But they can take your language, culture, and spaces from right under you and insult you ruthlessly while doing so. And when it's clear to everyone what has happened the train will have already left the station. Similar to how gaydens went from being some whiney niche crowd on twitter to being able to call gay men slurs openly without pushback and get male bathhouses shut down despite having no clout in the gay male community and dating world (and no physical advantages or the backing of patriarchy like TIMs have).

Sorry for the wall of text, I got a little passionate there.

[–]Kai_Decadence 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah I agree with all you said. I actually was watching Karen Davis from You're Kidding Right where she was speaking with Jennifer Bilek and Jennifer mentioned something that is pretty true with how the trans thing seems to be more of a white thing then a black thing because black people have "culture". I had to step back and think about it and I think she made a decent observation. Because you don't typically see black men coming out as "transbians". You mostly just see black gay men transing out and it's because of internalized homophobia as well as dealing with homophobia in black dominated spaces as well as dealing with the hardships of being an effeminate gay man in general in the gay dating scene so they trans out thinking it will make their lives better (which it really doesn't) but anyway yeah, this is more than likely why black women have a harder time seeing the truth about transgender ideology.

But if more black women saw what many trans-identified men think of them as aka don't really consider them women because they aren't white women, I feel like they'd sooner see how misogynistic and racist the ideology is.

[–]lefterfield 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But if more black women saw what many trans-identified men think of them as aka don't really consider them women because they aren't white women, I feel like they'd sooner see how misogynistic and racist the ideology is.

So much this. I'm white, but I've never been confused about whether a black woman was really a woman. It's the sort of thing where raising the argument says more about the ones making it than the argument itself.

the trans thing seems to be more of a white thing then a black thing because black people have "culture".

I'm not sure I agree with this claim, nor that it's the reason why we see more white transbians than black. Imo, "white" in the US has been coded as "American" - mind you, that's not how I think it should be, just an observation. Because it's nonsense anyway, so many traditions in the south that are coded as 'black' are also just 'southern' traditions that I grew up with. Part of that is because of slavery, but also just as a rule of human society we adopt culture from those around us. And it went both ways, black Americans don't have the same culture as black Africans - the former has American culture and the later has African culture.

Anyway, white people have culture. I think the difference is that white middle/upper-class suburban culture IS tied in with seeking equality/fairness/justice for everyone and blaming themselves for all the world's woes. Working class white people don't have that culture, and neither do poor, rural, or inner city white people - but generally the Powers That Be care as much about Those Whites as they do about black people who don't toe the party line. So we don't hear about the white or black or other races who reject this nonsense. The only people who matter are those who have made it part of their culture(upper/middle class whites) - because they're the useful idiots for the establishment.

I agree that it's possible the homophobia in many black dominated spaces is why it's the gay black men who tend to transition, though. And it makes sense that this is why more black women see transgenderism differently(although my impression was that more than a few of them think it's complete nonsense and aren't afraid to say so?).