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[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

The responses to it are so full of stupidity it makes my brain hurt. He's right, there's no difference between transracial and transgender, but these idiots in the replies are so full of their own bullshit they don't understand that.

Like this one:

How the fuck are you supposed to change every single line of DNA to make this work

I just want to go bang my head into a wall until the pain stops.

No. Gender is a social construct and ETHNICITY isn't. Being Korean is about the DNA , culture and history and also being raised there, not claiming you wanna be them just by liking their culture and music genre. Pls stop. You went too far. We as asians hate it

This one too. If gender is a social construct then how can it be an innate part of who someone is? If it's a social construct then trans gender isn't actually an innate thing, it's something people choose. Likewise, if they insist that sexual orientation is based on gender, a social construct, then sexual orientation must also be a social construct and something that people choose. Do they even realize how self-defeating this argument is? They really shouldn't abuse sociological concepts without understanding what they actually mean.

Also, a lot of ethnicity is culturally defined, so it is a social construct. It's part of why those DNA test services are so bad, there's no clearly defined DNA line between different ethnicities. DNA tests can get the general area those traits are common from, but can't usually pinpoint the exact ethnic group without extra information like family history.

[–]lefterfield 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

DNA tests can get the general area those traits are common from, but can't usually pinpoint the exact ethnic group without extra information like family history.

This. Too many people take these tests as gospel. The testers assume that traits ONLY appear in X ethnic group, when most traits occur independently spread out among many(if not all) groups of humans. We are too similar to each other to truly divide along racial lines, beyond superficial differences. Which is not to say race isn't real and doesn't matter, but it truly is a social construct, while sex has actual, measurable impact. The irony of this is completely lost on these morons.