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[–]TheOnyxGoddess 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The office had WOKE signs (in the US, a good % of people in certain neighborhoods have signs like "Hate has no home here, " etc), so I think that there were at least some political discussions allowed.

The doctor's office is not a place to discuss politics with the doctor. Just because the office had woke signs, it doesn't mean they are a place to discuss politics, or people even WANT to discuss politics. There's a difference between showing you're woke and being open for discussion on politics. A lot of places and people would rather avoid a political discussion and instead choose to look as accomodating as possible. The medical industry does rely on making people aside from saving lives to increase their profits.

She actually engaged with me often. For instance, when I mentioned "Lupron" she said, "Of course I know Lupron - what about it?"

Still political and ideological unrelated, it's one of the "safe" responses to make, what you say next and her next response (if she mindlessly replies with her thoughts) can put her at some risk.

She may react to what you are saying, maybe put in a bit of input, she would have done so in a way where the patient can't claim anything against her (e.g. avoid saying that "trans people are deluded). The entire thing seems like she was just trying to listen to you, react like a human being and drop the discussion on politicians or she may at risk say something she might regret.

Edit: Wording