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[–]OvariesOvaryOvum[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am about to use my full info to report copyright infringement. If you are this ClassyKassy person or know them, Rachel whatever in Rockford Illinois, cease and desists and give credit on each song you took. I give you, until Friday.

I get asked why I do not hang out with my "community". Things like this are why. As someone with a heart who does not stand for this stuff, I just have no tolerance for this. I am not here to rant on you, but I have seen posts. I am friends with men who are gay, but not other lesbians. Some of us, for the record, are out here risking our careers to stop the gender nonsense. Right now I am about to go public with a bunch of stuff, and am on a thin line from landing on the GLAAD accountability list.

It sucks when you cannot even trust other lesbians. Have a good day.