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[–]Kai_Decadence[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I play online games. There is a trans female in my guild. No one knew they were trans for a long time because they always used female pronouns. They are a very skilled player. Upon learning they were a biological male all the rest of the males went "Oh that makes sense. She's so good." Implying biological women are inherently less skilled.

You wanna know the messed up thing I used to think back then was that as a gamer myself, whenever I came across a TIM who I didn't know right away was who was actually good at a game (mainly fighting games since that's what I mostly involved in at the time), when I was starting to become more Gender Critical and took notice of how so many TIMs were in the gamer sphere, I started to think that any person I came across who I thought was a woman who was so obsessed with a game in the competitive sense who was claiming to be a woman, I used to think they were just TIMs because I hadn't met any women who were interested in video games in such a overly detailed way when it came to the game's mechanics and trying to perfect their skill. Obviously I know better now but that's something I did go through a few years ago.

Literally a real life example. But this goes for any field, especially stem where men can replace women with "transwomen" and eventually women's inclusion and voices are drowned out and the representation is overwhemingly male. Sexism is still rampant and will never be unlearned because we can just replace "woman" with "transwoman" and start calling women "birthing person" and it's woke now.

Right like what's happening in Silicon Valley where it has a crap ton of TIMs and how they were using that to show that stem was not sexist towards women because they have "woMEN" working for the companies. Yeah, it's pretty disturbing.

Transwomen were also raised in a patriarchal culture that has catered to them their whole lives and upon transitioning to female they DO NOT lose this entitlement. Hence why they try to occupy every female space and are trying to destroy sex based rights women paid for in blood.

Right, their want to control everything is the privilege that goes back to socialization where they were taught to put themselves first to be seen as strong and independent while girls are taught to put others before them and be more passive and non-confrontational. And the TIMs take advantage of that socialization and use it to bulldoze over women.

[–]YourSister 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

Right like what's happening in Silicon Valley where it has a crap ton of TIMs and how they were using that to show that stem was not sexist towards women because they have "woMEN" working for the companies. Yeah, it's pretty disturbing.

This is also branching out in STEM. Happened to me. 3 dudes "transitioned", and I, the only actual woman, had to deal with this shit, as well as being expected to help them "woman" properly.

No, Lily LaRue (dead name= Dave Brown *pseudonym), I don't find it difficult to code while menstruating, and I am not sure how to respond to your claims that "we gals have to help each other out". And, no, most 30 something professional women do not wear miniskirts and knee socks, with glitter eyeshadow, to the office.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The shit? Did he get his makeup and clothing ideas from a 20 year old Delia's catalog?

[–]TheOnyxGoddess 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, Lily LaRue (dead name= Dave Brown *pseudonym), I don't find it difficult to code while menstruating

They don't understand that it's not menstruation itself that is the issue, it's the problems which occur because of the menstruation period (e.g. discomfort, pain), they're fantasizing women's weaknesses. Back during my day, boys fantasised saving "the damsel in distress", now it's fantasising "being the damsel in distress".