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[–]emptiedriver 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The way those are worded and listed makes it seem like everything is self-reported and anything can be labeled as force or violence if someone feels like it should be, which ends up making it all meaningless.

That is not to say that some of these people may not be dealing with abusive relationships but victimhood has become so completely sacrosanct that the slightest and not actually threatening push from a 5ft wife against her 6ft trans soon-to-be-ex could be called physical force at this point...

It sort of reads more like "who's unhappy in their relationship & wants to accuse their partner of being a jerk?" That's not the same as abuse, although maybe it's still interesting.