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[–]purrfect 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I like Buck, I really do, but the answer is no. Not because I'm mean or I hate trans people or think they deserve to suffer. The answer is no, because this is how this mess began in the first place. Trans people can have their feelings catered to by friends and family if they consent or feels natural to them, but never under coercion. And by coercion I include things like "If you call me she/he, I'll cry/commit suicide".

Trans people demand "kindness", which means whatever they want to mean, which ends up encoded into law against women. I don't consent, Buck.

If trans people were honest, they wouldn't demand to be called the opposite sex accompanied by whatever qualifiers they want. Calling TIMs transwomen includes males in the category of women, which makes us a subset of our sex class by default. The answer is no, because if they were honest, TIFs would ask to be called trans women/females (women presenting as men) and TIMs would ask to be called trans men/males (men presenting as women). Or come up with a new term and stop appropriating, what wasn't theirs to begin with.