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[–]MarkTwainiac 13 insightful - 3 fun13 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

But the choice isn't whether to go to an all women's college or an all men's college. The question is, why do so many TIFs choose to go to an all women's college as opposed to a mixed-sex one.

In the US, most institutions of higher learning are mixed sex. This has been the case for 50 years.

The male-only Ivies and all other colleges and universities in the US that historically admitted only males - and did not have already established female "sister" schools the way Columbia did with Barnard, Harvard did with Radcliffe, Brown did with Pembroke, and Notre Dame did with St Mary's - such as Georgetown and Johns Hopkins started admitting women as undergraduates in the late 1960s.

The last Ivy League school to admit women was Dartmouth; it decided to accept applications from women in 1971, the first women matriculated there in 1972. Wesleyan began matriculating female undergrads in 1972 too.

The last all-male holdouts in the USA were Haverford and Columbia, which started matriculating female undergrads in 1980 and 1983 respectively.

Eventually, at many sister-brother schools where undergrads of both sexes had long attended class together but females and males were admitted via different admissions departments, were subject to different rules and got differently-named diplomas - such as Radcliffe-Harvard and Pembroke-Brown - merged admissions, made all the rules uniform, and gave all students the same Harvard or Brown diploma.

There are still brother-sister schools - such as Hobart and William Smith and Yeshiva and Stern colleges - where male and female students officially are enrolled at two separate institutions. But these institutions are effectively mixed-sex.

And in general it seems that men's places are left unchecked and for men only, while women's places are now "everyone who is not male and identifies as man is here" - enbies of both sexes, transgenders of both sexes, and women.

This isn't true anymore when it comes to higher education in the US. Though American higher education traditionally was a bastion of male exclusivity and privilege, nearly all college and universities in the US today are mixed-sex - or as we used to say, "co-educational."

Today in 2020, there are more than 30 female-only accredited, four-year, secular, degree-granting colleges in the US, but only three that remain male-only: Wabash in Indiana, Hampden-Sydney in Virginia and Morehouse in Atlanta, GA.

And Morehouse, an HCBU, doesn't really count as exclusively male, coz it long has allowed females from its sister school - the all female Spelman College - and other institutions to register for and attend courses for credit. What's more, Morehouse announced in 2019 that it would start admitting "transgender men" in 2020.

In the US, even military colleges and most/many religious schools became mixed sex quite a while ago as well. The only religious schools that remain male-only are a handful of Christian seminaries where men study for the priesthood/clergy, and a number of orthodox Jewish where men study to be rabbis. The vast majority of the colleges/unis in the USA that are male-only are orthodox Jewish rabbinical schools.

Moreover, in mixed sex schools US unis and colleges generally today, female undergrads outnumber male ones.

Same reason why they do not want to go to male prison, or prefering female toilets. It is extra dangerous for them to be there.

There's absolutely no justifiable reason why a TIF would need to go to a female-only school. There's plenty of room for them on the majority of US college and uni campuses that are mixed-sex. Women in mixed sex schools have achieved or exceeded enrollment and other kinds of parity with men. And they are perfectly safe there!

It is extra dangerous for them to be there.

Even if a TIF were to go a male-only school such as Morehouse - which as I said, is now admitting TIFs - I don't think this would be the case. I have some experience in this area, coz I went to a college in the 1970s that prior to the year I entered had been all-male for hundreds of years, and where the female students initially were very small in number (150 women to 4000+ men). Prior to deciding to go to that college I looked at the experience of the first women to attend other all-male schools, and for 50 years I've followed what's happened to the women at my uni and others who were the first to break the sex barriers.

It wasn't always fun to be in the small minority of women on an overwhelmingly male campus like that. Some of the male students who had started their college years going to an all-male school felt lots of hostility towards the new female students, whom they saw as interlopers - and some of these men were misogynistic and verbally abusive, whilst others - and the professors too - were "merely" sexist and "male chauvinist." At the same time, though, many of the guys were glad to be of a generation that was breaking ground on behalf of greater equality between the sexes and they welcomed us.

Also, we women had our own toilets and showers, and our own dorms or floors in mixed-sex dorms.

But even with all the difficulties, attending a previously male-only school that was still mostly male was nothing like being locked in a male prison. At all. Coz there's a big difference between a penitentiary full of convicted male criminals and a college campus full of ordinary young men.

What's more, as the school I went to was a "highly selective" school where only about 10% of applicants got in, the young men there were those with histories of good grades and high SAT scores who'd had to meet rigorous admission standards, and whose identities were known. Sure, there were frat guy assholes and actual or wanna-be sex abusers of the Kavanaugh and "Animal House" type. But it wasn't full of hardened criminal men convicted of violent crimes like murder, rape, assault, child sex abuse, armed robbery, sex trafficking and such the way male prisons in the US are. Nor was it "run" by male gangs. Honestly, it really wasn't any more physically dangerous for us women than colleges or unis that had been mixed-sex for longer were at the time.

[–]VioletRemi 7 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 4 fun8 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

Assuming everyone is from US is so american ;)

This isn't true anymore

I was speaking there more about toilets, sports, shelters, etc.

[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, I know. But you drew a direct analogy between sex-segregated prisons and toilets and colleges and universities. Even when you throw in sports, shelters and all other sex-segregated programs, provisions and facilities, the analogy to institutions of higher learning doesn't hold up. For a whole slew of reasons.

You suggested that the only alternative to TIFs going to an all-female uni or college would be for them to go to an all-male one. That was a big leap in reasoning. And it's a leap that has no basis in the reality of higher education in the USA and the rest of the West in 2020.

You further said TIFs go to all-female colleges and unis coz "it would be extra dangerous" for them to go to ones that aren't all-female coz in your view the only colleges and unis that aren't all-female are those that are all-male.

Finally, you said

And in general it seems that men's places are left unchecked and for men only, while women's places are now "everyone who is not male and identifies as man is here" - enbies of both sexes, transgenders of both sexes, and women.

I just pointed out that in higher education, this is not true. In the US and the rest of the West, higher ed institutions that are for men only are few and far between nowadays, coz they are hard to justify. By contrast, women have had more success at ring-fencing female-only colleges and unis to keep them female-only, coz cogent arguments can be made to justify this.

I don't think making analogies that don't hold up or claims that aren't true benefits anyone.

[–]VioletRemi 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Mixed toilets is not the same as mixed education, tho. In mixed toilets and bathrooms is the highest rate of rape cases, for women statistically safer to go into males-only ones than to mixed ones.

Plus in male-only or mixed-college - TiF will most likely live in male dormitory in male room.

In the US and the rest of the West

Actually in US, UK, Japan and Korea (and, well, India) - is the biggest amount of women-only or men-only colleges in the world. In general, most single-sex colleges and schools are religious ones, tho.