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[–]BEB[S] 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I swear, these courts and legislators don't even bother doing the basic research on the sweeping legal decisions they are reaching.

For instance: California's SB 132, the bill that Governor Scammin' Newsom just signed into law that allows men to self-identify as transgender/non-binary and access women's prisons, also lets prisoners identify as "intersex."

OK, we know that biology no longer counts as a science to the "pro-science" Left, but a ten minute search would reveal that intersex people are not a third sex, they have a disorder of sexual development. They are either male or female and around 98.98% of intersex people (EDIT: this should read PEOPLE not INTERSEX people) can be identified by their genitalia, even if abnormal (sorry, don't know today's PC term).

tl;dr YOU CANNOT IDENTIFY AS INTERSEX, but California now allows you to

In this Minnesota case, the Court of Appeals concluded that, "“requiring a transgender student to use a different locker-room facility because of his sexual orientation is discrimination.”

Got that? The court ruled on a transgender locker room case on the basis of SEXUAL ORIENTATION discrimination!!!

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender identity!!!

Not only has the world gone mad, it's gone completely stupid too.