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[–]MarkTwainiac 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Do you think some of the crazy things we see TRAs talk about are limited to online spaces/discourse or do you think its possible that trans groups and orgs will (or have already) succesfully push more extreme/crazy/radical gender ideology and other stuff into the mainstream, in real life?

They've already done this in many spheres. Look at what happened to Michfest in the USA.

There are now boys and men competing in every level of girls and women's sports in numerous countries as well as internationally.

Men have used TRA arguments and claims of "gender identity" to get placed in women's hospital wards in the UK, and in women's prisons in numerous countries, (Candada, the UK, the USA, Australia, etc) where some of these male convicts have raped, sexually assaulted and menaced/intimidated female inmates.

A white TRA - Jonathan Jessica Yaniv, now "Jessica Simpson" - in Canada was allowed to ruin the livelihoods and lives of 16 mostly recent immigrant women of non-white ethnicity by taking them before a "human rights tribunal" for violating his "human rights" coz they were unable/unwilling to wax his balls.

TRAs have succeeded in forcing all the rape refuges and shelters in British Columbia to admit men based on their claims of being "trans," and have gotten the one last refuge that has refused - Vancouver Rape Relief - to lose its government funding. But even that wasn't enough. TRAs have defaced the rape refuge with anti-women graffiti and nailed dead rats to the door.

TRAs in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia have gotten women's meetings shut down, and have banged on the windows of places where women have met, and gathered in huge threatening mobs to scream "shame! shame! shame!" and push and shove women trying to attend meetings.

TRAs in the UK have made complaints to the police that have led to women and some men to be visited by the police, accused of "hate crimes," and even arrested, for "misgendering" and displeasing TIMs and TRAs online. In the UK, the Crown Prosecution Service, criminally prosecuted a trans person - Miranda Yardley, a GC TIM - for offending a TRA who is not trans, but is the mother of a so-called "trans child."

In the UK, a young autistic man was convicted of a crime, heavily fined and made subject to rules restricting his movements, coz he said in earshot of a TIF who works for the constabulary, "are you a girl or a boy?"

In the UK, violent TIMs physically attacked a 60+ year-old woman in Hyde Park for daring to attend a meeting of GC feminists to discuss women's rights. When one of her obviously hulking male assailants was prosecuted, the woman/victim was told by the judge that she must refer to her attacker with female pronouns. That same young man is studying various fighting methods and martial arts in Asia, fighting against men, for the purpose of beating up women in the UK.

Spend some time on sites like womenarehuman and you'll see that TRA tactics and gender ideology are affecting the mainstream, RL world in all sorts of ways, and this has been the case for quite a while now:

[–]infrarojo[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you! I'll save all this info in a doc or something