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[–]Killer_Danish 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Someone took Elizabeth Warren's list of dead transwomen and edited it with a section that included 'cause of death.' Revealingly, it showed that almost all the transwomen murdered were either killed by a boyfriend, a John (since many of them were prostitutes), or a drug buyer or dealer. Some of the causes of death were attributed to "gay panic," but many of them were reflective of the violence one encouters in the drugs/prostitution lifestyle.

I have yet to find a SINGLE example of a trans-exclusionary radical feminist murdering a transperson. But then I guess it's easier to scream at and blame all your problems on the historically powerless and disenfranchised class of women than it is to face the actual perpetrators, men.

The lack of critical thinking that goes on in the TRA bubble boggles my mind!