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[–]itsnotaboutewe 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Males and females of most species exhibit different behaviours according to their sex but that doesn't mean their brains are different. It is their hormones and millions of years of instinctive learning that each sex has that makes them act differently. For instance, in some birds it is the male that builds the nest so the females have no nest building urge. The female inspects the nest and either approves of it or goes in search of a male with better skills, but that doesn't mean their brains are different. It means that the sexes have different roles to play in procreation and they act upon that. Penguins have similar roles between the sexes and it is only the actual mating and egg laying that sets the sex roles apart. There have been many instances of two penguin males raising a chick but they have to be given or steal an egg and there is no evidence to suggest they are homosexual, just that they both think the other is to play the female sex role. Their sex roles after the laying of an egg is the same for a male or female.

Dr Soh also believes in gender as being linked to these sex roles, but if that is the case it would mean every animal has a gender, which I reject. I consider gender to be a social construct totally separate to sex roles, which are innate. I breed sheep and I know that ewes and rams have different roles in the flock which are dependent on their sex. A ram will change his role in the flock if I castrate him but he will not turn into a ewe or have a ewe's brain. He will still be male with a male brain but his sex role has changed so his behaviour changes accordingly.

[–]MezozoicGay 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Main confusions with gender are because gender was alway a synonymous to sex. And in majority of languages there no separate word for "gender" and only words for biological sex. So for non-native English speaker, or to people grown up in different cultures, the whole idea of gender at all is very weird, and many countries are not even recognizing the differences in translations (for example, in Istanbul Convention there stated "gender" and "sex" as different words with different meanings, but in ukrainian translations of that, they both were translated as "biological sex" until recently, so our politicians were not able to spot what can be wrong with Convention).

This means that majority of non-native English speakers, who are not really aware about TRA wars, would consider gender as something synonymous or very close to biological sex, and translate both words as "biological sex".

And in gendered languages neo-pronouns makes no sense as well, because every word is gendered, not pronoun. So to add new pronoun, half of words must be changed, what can take years for every pronoun.