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[–]crodish 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Seconding this, this this this!

/u/please_help TW for talking about ED, talking about it because it's relevant - when I was struggling with it, the advice I got was to be "more mindful" and not constantly ruminate about the topic that was making me feel like shit, ie eating. Of course the immediate reaction is to go, "but how can I possibly NOT think about it?!" and it's hard, it's hard af, but you can DO IT

You know those times when you're watching a new movie for the first time, and it's so fucking good or funny or awesome you get totally caught up in it, and all your thoughts are just solely about the movie and the characters? Or you're playing a game or doing some physical activity or whatever and you get so caught up grinding or reaching goals that's all you focus on? Yeah, do that! Maybe it'll only work for a little while, that's fine! The point is to keep doing it little by little every day, until it becomes a part of your normal routine that you just... do it, because it's what you do!

Like... typing. Typing's easy now, but remember the first time you had to use a keyboard, and how hard it was to remember what keys were where and how to type without looking down, typing is so slow, why can't we just write? (Might not apply if you used smart phones from birth)

or when you start a new game and everything is confusing af because the interface is new, but after a week or so you know it like the back of your hand. It's the same thing. Stop indulging in stuff that makes you feel bad, and focus on things that make you feel good!

That said, it's easier said than done. Get the support you need - friends or family you feel you can talk to about this - and don't beat yourself up if you "fail", because failing is just another step towards success. You gotta grind a while to level up. It's good that you realized this early, so hang in there! Really hope you get the peace you're seeking with yourself.

Also, yeah, puberty fucking sucks. I hated my boobs when I was 16, too, and still don't really care for them, to be honest! just... ignore them best as you can. Sounds stupid, right? Life be like that doe. "They're there. It's normal, and it's okay to dislike them. Everyone has somehing they don't like about themselves, and I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying things."

Sorry for the ramble. Just stuff I wish my teenage self would have heard, if I was in your situation. Hang in there! You are perfect the way you are!