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[–]tea4two 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your story resonated with me because I developed the same "Sorry" habit and had to work hard to unlearn it. I'm still struggling with it and reread all my emails to remove "sorry" before I send them!

On to my story...

We were having a big company meeting and were asked to introduce ourselves. The men went around the table presenting themselves as [Professional title] [Last name] while all the women used their first names only. Which drove me crazy because these women had the same credentials as the men.

When it got to me I loudly introduced myself the way the men did, no first name in sight. Everyone stared for a beat then all the other women followed suit.

Ladies, always present yourself the way a man in your industry would. Humility gets you as far as the break room to bring everyone else coffee.