all 41 comments

[–]joeytundra[S] 12 insightful - 4 fun12 insightful - 3 fun13 insightful - 4 fun -  (36 children)

Marxism seems to go hand and hand with pedophilia. It was lesbians who wanted NAMBLA out from the get go. Is it any strange coincidence the abuse is coming from the "T" and are they really pedos in disguise unleashing their fury on lesbians for punishment? Pedos hate women but they also want to see the family unit destroyed so the men aren't around. Easier access to children. It's no bizarre coincidence that people like Jessica Yaniv also has a thing for children. Also has a thing for harassing women. In conclusion...under our noses it's obvious the ones bashing lesbians may be giving retribution for what happened in the past. So every male that identifies as trans and goes around viciously attacking women might be apart of the pedo movement.

Many of the "T's" threatening to kill lesbians don't depart with their genitals and do the bare minimum to "transition"

[–]just_lesbian_things 20 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 2 fun21 insightful - 3 fun -  (30 children)

Pedos hate women but they also want to see the family unit destroyed so the men aren't around.

The fuck is a family unit and what does men have to do with anything.

Most victims of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) are abused by male relatives or acquaintances. If we're talking about preventing CSA, I'd say it's in the children's best interest if men weren't around, statistically speaking.

[–]joeytundra[S] 11 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 4 fun -  (28 children)

pedophiles have said themselves they generally prefer to target children without fathers. Even though people cling to the most victims of childhood sexual abuse are relatives or's obvious the push for more access to women and children's spaces benefits the pedophile stranger and the voyeurs who want to upload more porn. The laws being pushed out I can guarantee you using the "T" has pedophilia and greater access to children all over it. There has been a wide scale grooming going on.

Men turning against women, shamed in communities for defending women (MRA clubs) women go unprotected and left alone to fend for themselves. They target easier "prey" and single moms are easier to groom too.

They also target all male clubs to get the men to agree with them. Look how long Epstein got away with it.

Yes these are master manipulators and they've infiltrated everywhere. They are also pissed about Boy Scouts because they'd rather target boys without women in the way. Men are easier to do the defend your bros speech. Think Boy Scouts wasn't being used to groom little boys? Same with churches being infiltrated. Have you read this? Even though it's called "Gay Revolutionary" I can guarantee you it was written by a gay pedophile.

I mean just look at the first line. This is not just satire. It was written in 1983 and look at it now! For all the gay men that aren't okay with this, they need to step up and pay attention to the "T" and how many of these men are actually pedos for example Jessica Yaniv ..."Stephonknee" and how we have Drag Kids now.

The first paragraph of that article reads:

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

Read the full thing. The truth is, NAMBLA was apart of gay rights from the get go. They were shunned but with all the venom and hostility towards makes sense that NAMBLA is getting revenge and striking lesbians first.

[–]just_lesbian_things 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (27 children)

pedophiles have said themselves they generally prefer to target children without fathers.


benefits the pedophile stranger and the voyeurs who want to upload more porn

AKA men.

Men turning against women, shamed in communities for defending women (MRA clubs) women go unprotected and left alone to fend for themselves. They target easier "prey" and single moms are easier to groom too.

I think instead of "defending" or "protecting" women, men should work on calling out the rapists and pedophiles from within their midst. Men should work on holding abusive men accountable. Abuse happen because of the abusers, not the victims.

[–]joeytundra[S] 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (24 children)

part of protecting women is holding abusive men accountable. MRA's however blame women for everything men do to women. No where did I say it's the victims fault.

Here is a source. Yes pedophiles do in fact go for who has the least support. Single mothers are targets but not the only targets. This is nothing new but swept under the rug. You can also do your own research.

[–]just_lesbian_things 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (23 children)

Nah, women don't need men to "protect" them from other men, children don't need men to "protect" them from other men. Everyone -men, women, and children- needs men to clean up their shit and stop being violent, rapey lil fuckers. Saying that women and children need men to keep them safe from other men is nothing short of a protection racket. I don't need a man's protection any more than a baker needs the mafia's protection. Men being "protectors" is some next level gender bullshit being spread to keep women in line and stroke the male ego.

The way I see it, we're being charitable towards men by giving them the benefit of the doubt. we're giving men a chance. A chance to sort their shit out, work out their personal problems. Because we believe in the humanity of men. We believe that, deep down, they are good. I think there are a lot more extreme methods we can take if we didn't hold such beliefs.

[–]jet199 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Sometimes they do.

Brothers are far more likely to abuse their siblings than fathers their children.

In many of these cases the mother will protect the abuser.

Please don't pretend women are all saints and angels and all men are evil. We all know there are many women who choose their sons over their daughters everytime or as we are seeing with trans kids will abuse their kids for attention and often the father is the only person to call it out and try to protect those kids.

There was even a case on reddit where the son was raping the dog and mother refused to believe it and stood by the son against the father.

[–]just_lesbian_things 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Brothers are far more likely to abuse their siblings than fathers their children

Wow. Why are males so fucked up? Are they born fucked? Or does it happen really early?

Please don't pretend women are all saints and angels and all men are evil.

First of all, work on your black and white thinking, then work on your reading comprehension. Nobody said women are all Saints and angels. Secondly, I'll stop saying men are evil when they stop doing evil shit. How fucking funny is it that there are men and boys sexually abusing children out there and your main concern is some woman thinks poorly of them for it? Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your priorities.

often the father is the only person to call it out and try to protect those kids.

More often the father has decided he would rather LARP as a woman than take care of his children and instead wastes his time and money getting plastic surgery, playing dress up and terrorizing the local lesbian population. Lost custody because his evil ex-wife doesn't feel comfortable sending the kids to stay overnight in his new sex dungeon. Can't make those child support payments because Sephora and bEiNg UrSeLf comes first. I wonder how many moms go trans.

[–]joeytundra[S] 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (18 children)

Incels, Predators and Paedos are all bullies. Bullies always prey on those who are in tough situations. Easier targets. You are taking offense over something that is serious. Why? Single moms are being targeted. Why so defensive? This is good information for single mothers since these predators are being told by PUA's to prey on single moms and child molestors. There was a time before the internet when men would stand up for women more. Since porn became more violent and mainstream and many male circles online filled with men that enable men to think this hate is normal men are becoming diffused and shamed if they even verbally defend women. I'm going to say...I don't think most of these men putting the scripts out are even attracted to grown women. This whole culture online of shaming men for defending women at all also trickles into the justice system.

[–]just_lesbian_things 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (17 children)

Incels, Predators and Paedos are all bullies.

They're all men.

Why? Single moms are being targeted. Why so defensive? This is good information for single mothers since these predators are being told by PUA's to prey on single moms and child molestors.

Because "single moms" shouldn't be dealing with sex-crazed men in the first place. Nobody is really a "single" mom- she didn't asexually reproduce or clone herself. It's men's job to step the fuck up and do their part in childcare and child-rearing (without sexually abusing their child). It's basic human decency to not be a child predator. Men aren't """protecting""" anyone when they do their fucking share of the work and act like normal human beings. They're supposed to be doing all of these things in the first place.

Instead of putting the responsibility of dealing with sex-crazed child predators on "single" mom's, the pressure should be on PUA shits and deadbeat fathers to not be terrible people. It's not "the marxists" (or "the feminists") who "destroyed the family unit". These men chose to fuck off and not do their part.

If anything, I say we should impose a tax on the entire male sex. Maybe 0.5% of the income of every male person over the age of majority. Money that will go towards supporting "single" moms. We could adjust the percentage; maybe have it go up or down as need be. That will really go about rectifying the "tough situation", what do you think? My back up proposal is we castrate deadbeat fathers and the child molesting creeps, but I think that's a more extreme alternative.

There was a time before the internet when men would stand up for women more.

No there wasn't. Men have never stood up for women.

men are becoming diffused and shamed if they even verbally defend women

Oh my god, won't somebody think about the poor men. I don't need some dude to be a white knight on the internet. If he wants to do something, he should go talk the creepy PUA fucks down from molesting more children. No, it's not supposed to be a good time.

[–]VioletRemi 14 insightful - 4 fun14 insightful - 3 fun15 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

If anything, I say we should impose a tax on the entire male sex.

You mean same tax that is already on women in USA, because hygiene products and tampons are taxed and counted as "luxury"?

[–]meranii 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Incels, Predators and Paedos are all bullies.

They're all men.

It's so simple and obvious to us radfems but there's too many conservative male "allies" here that just don't want to get it. They'll argue "oh but women do things wrong too" but show me the female pedo groups and serial rapist-murderers? They don't exist. If you're really on our side against the TRA then don't act like an MRA, both of them are a threat to women's rights and want us to be quiet and submissive like we're back in the '50s... the 1850s that is.

[–]just_lesbian_things 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Patriarchy makes men the default. They think they're unique and special individuals, unlike women who are stereotyped as a group and treated as interchangeable. When you have narrative that runs counter to that, it hurts their sensibilities. That's why you have self-centered, tactless shit like #notallmen in the face of rape victims coming forward, because apparently, there's nothing more important in that moment than making sure everyone knew men shouldn't be held accountable for behavior they exhibit as a group.

[–]joeytundra[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

wait a said "white knight"?? Are you a biological female or a man that identifies as a lesbian? You're going a little too hard on this one..

[–]meranii 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

honestly, with how you were arguing (your stuff about single moms and the "family unit", women needing protection from other men, you connecting marxists/communists & pedos so exclusively) I thought you were an alt-right dude for sure. but maybe I got it wrong and you're an alt-right woman, in which case, my condolences.

[–]just_lesbian_things 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Female lmao. I've been around the old subreddits long enough to know some of the mods. Are you a handmaiden male worshipping or are you a dude mansplaining? Drop the "family unit" dog whistle, cut the chivalry/"protection" bullshit, and fuck off with trying to tell me which words I can and can't use. Gender critical and radfems in general have always been pro-marxism, so spare me the lies and tell me which conspiracy hole you crawled out of.

[–]Comatoast 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Listen, I am all for castrating proven sex offenders. However, I will hold women who openly throw their children into the fire for the sake of being a handmaiden accountable. I've had TOO many female family members with children taken away from them for picking literal sex offenders instead of taking care of their children to hold sympathies for them. This is a multi-faceted issue here.

[–]just_lesbian_things 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

However, I will hold women who openly throw their children into the fire for the sake of being a handmaiden accountable

You're so brave, standing up against all these imaginary feminists who refuse to hold women responsible for anything. A real revolutionary. 🙌🙌🙌🙌

I've had TOO many female family members with children taken away from them for picking literal sex offenders instead of taking care of their children

Wow, you got the PoS gene running in your family or something? Dayum.


Who the fuck said anything about sympathies? You see, I'm not a next level visionary like you. I go after the source of the problem. That means when somebody gets mugged, I hold the mugger responsible. When a house gets broken into, I hold the burglar responsible. When a child gets molested, I hold the molester responsible. We can't all be out here playing 4D chess like you, and it's not like we've already hit saturation wrt warning women about sex predators or anything. The root of the social problem isn't women not being adequately warned about sex offenders, it's men sex offending.

[–]tuesday 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm not hearing him suggest that women should stay with their husbands/boyfriends. That is a criticism said frequently tho so it's understandable that women here would feel accused.

What i got from all that, was, I wish more women would stay the hell away from men. Children are safest when there are NO men around.

[–]just_lesbian_things 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not hearing him suggest that women should stay with their husbands/boyfriends

And I'm not saying he suggested that. I'm saying that men need to sort their shit out. Our buddy has a white knight complex and believe himself to be some sort of savior. Women don't need saving, men do.

I wish more women would stay the hell away from men.

I do, but I'm a dyke and I try not to tell bihet women how to live their lives.

Children are safest when there are NO men around.

Yeahhh, but men are half the population and should do their share of child rearing. They were cared for as children once, and they benefit from new people joining society. If they really can't be trusted to not abuse children, then I think the cost of labor of childcare should be docked from their paycheck and given to women who are doing more than their share of work.

[–]meranii 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Right, men of any political leaning always argue that it's the other side that does the raping, but newsflash, it's men being given power over anyone and making the rules that leads to rape. Doesn't matter left, right or whatever... the common denominator is horny men who think their dicks are more important than someone else's right to life and happiness.

[–]Shesstealthy 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Evidence of pedophilia in Marx please.

[–]PassionateIntensity 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's Foucault and Queer Theory which is imo anti-Marxist because it denies material reality.

[–]joeytundra[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People that classify themselves as Marxists generally accept a "Any means necessary!" to get whatever they want passed including violence and many just so happen to push for pedophilia and the sky is the limit. Right now the left is doing this big push to normalize pedophilia and many men in the LGBTQ+ are really okay with this..they outnumber the women. Porn has been the biggest tool used to normalize exactly what was already written in the past with gay men as authors but we might as well just note the pedophilia approach too so these may have been homosexual pedophiles. While not all gay men are pedophiles they are still going to take the side of men even if they have to pretend they don't for a little while.

Lesbians and gay men are not on the same page. If it weren't for lesbians in early gay rights activism, NAMBLA would have been allowed to openly play the victim. Lesbians are now just seeing the truth of how all the men in the movement were just waiting to turn their backs on them.

Read this, was written in the early 80's. Think it's just a joke? There are several more like it just not as bold.

The very first line is...

"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies."

[–]tuesday 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't understand Marxism because frankly it all sounds like pomo queer word salad to me. Just gibberish. I never see anybody discuss any aspect of marxism in plain english. I suspect because if put into plain english, it would sound nonsensical.

But I too would be interested in the connection between marxism and sexual abuse. Your other comments were quite enlightening so hoping for more.

[–]joeytundra[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

here is a good video detailing.

Keeps getting removed so if you can back it up that would be great.