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[–]EverythingIsHoney 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's because it's not "fun" Moms groups are full of child rearing, sleep training, why won't my toddler eat anything but french fries, my clothes are covered with drool, does anyone know when to register for school, how much do you pay for daycare REALNESS. You know what rarely shows up? Look at my new outfit!! I got to go and parrtayyy last night! Isn't my makeup totally rocking right now?! Check out my new purse I bought!!

What cosplaying woman wants to discuss the actual gritty, day to day life of being a woman with a child? That just ruins the whole damn fantasy doesn't it?

I mean they're "women" but not "those type" of women, you know, like real ones who actually need to deal with this stuff on a regular basis and don't just "opt in" to our gender that day....