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[–]luckystar 13 insightful - 5 fun13 insightful - 4 fun14 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

They want to fit in in left leaning crowds and they think claiming to be a marginalized minority wins them oppression points. Non binary is the easiest marginalized minority to be because (a) literally everybody is "non binary" as in the sense of, occasionally or frequently feeling disconnect with gender roles / (b) you're not allowed to question any sort of trans identity because all identities are VaLiD. You can't fake being black. You can sorta fake being gay but not if you're in a hetero relationship. However to be trans non binary you literally have to do fuck all but claim you don't like your birth sex.

I know a man who claimed to be non binary and literally had a beard! Nobody would ever see him as anything but a man. He painted his nails sometimes, wow, how stunning and brave! He got into socialist/Bernie Bro politics circles where being oppressed makes you fit in better. Sad thing is I'm sure on some level he did dislike being a man, but not because of gender dysphoria or anything, just because he was the dreaded "cishet white male" which is the worst thing you can be in internet anime/communist circles.

I have almost never seen anyone but middle to upper middle class hard left leaning white people do this "non binary" nonsense. The overwhelming majority of them are very obviously quite comfortable in their biological sex -- women that show off cleavage and curves, men with beards, etc. Most of them are actually gender conforming much of the time! A woman with her profile picture of herself in a WEDDING DRESS calling herself "non binary". Yeah ok sis, sounds legit.

Don't even get me started on all the other cultures they refer to, 9 times out of 10 when they talk about a "third gender", that culture has a word for being gay or being a trans woman (they don't pretend trans women are literally women). And virtually no "AFAB" can be the "third gender" from those cultures because women are needed as baby incubators. Only male people can opt out of manhood, because men are more expendable in terms of reproduction.

A different culture having a term that basically means "f*ggot" or "sissy" is NOT your "woque non binary folx" ffs.

TBH I don't care in general if people want to think of themselves as unique snowflakex that are just so much deeper and more complex than the "gender binary" (which they imagine for the majority of people that they love being GI Joes and Barbie Dolls). It's when they start whining about how they are le trans and thus the most oppressed ever, when by definition they are some of the most privileged people who ever live, that my blood starts to boil. That male former friend with the beard started telling me "you don't get to define who is a woman" and I was just. Done. Who the fuck do these people think they are.

[–]Jekawi[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Transpeople should wake up and see that NB are a threat to them. I watched a video from Blaire White about it and the things she was saying about it was Schadenfreude. Things like she's being pushed out of trans places due to NB people made me think of women being pushed out of women's places for trans women. To be fair, I find White very reasonable and enjoy hearing about her experiences. Her and Rose of Dawn