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[–]SilenceThem_Consume 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've already been called a TERF by my SO and redditors on other subreddits.

The average IQ of reddit has been reduced since they began banning all dissenting speech. Now, merely questioning the trans mob will get you put on some list.

as a feminist

The root of this word means female, so you still are likely a feminist ;)

really wants to see a woman in office. But I know next to nothing about Kamala Harris

Hilary clinton was anti gay for 30+ years. How often has your media talked about that?

I want women to feel safe

Then we should keep our bathrooms for genders and not identities?

Build up conversations with other truefeminists. Twitter and reddit are bad places for honest discussions.

My SO's friend circles are cozy suburban liberals that spout off john oliver talking points without any regard to research and fact. When I scratch below the surface on any trans issues I am surprised to find that they never think about transwomen in sports or that there are indeed cases of abuse of privileges from transwomen. How can I become more well versed when speaking on these subjects

As time wears on, I am more and more tired of these Lionels. Liberals in Outward Names only. Their intellect ehnds where OliVer/Maddow/And Colbert begin; they justify endless wars by repeating the mainstream talking points. lesser evil lesser evil lesser evil

Two administrations of lesser evil has given us George Bush 2.0. In 2008 the democrats would HATE what biden stands for.