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[–]Lyssa 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hi, welcome to GenderCritical!

While I personally am indeed an atheist I can be and was or am friends with a wide range of religious people and can and have been working/do work with all kinds of religious people (agnostics, Christian, Muslim, Mormon, neopagans, esoterics/"alternative" folks).

What I won't do is exempt any religion/set of ideas from criticism. And there is a lot to criticise about both the history and current practise of Islam... Especially regarding the treatment of girls, women and homosexuals.

However: This does not impact my opinion of any Muslim as a person. Just as I'm willing to point out the abuse and systematic rape of children by Catholic priests (AND point out how Catholic theology and the unquestioned belief of larger parts of the Catholic flok enabled those men....) without being hostile to individual Catholics who might be the most kind and wonderful people I have not yet met and gotten to know.

If that is something you can live with: Happy to share and discuss gender critical ideas! :-)