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[–]Sebell 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This was refreshing to read, thank you.

I always have to push it isn't "Queer Feminism" but "Trans Feminism" - like Julia Serrano - that actually pushes the idea that women is an identity.

Queer Feminism, as it was taught to me, was about "Queering Gender" - by "rebelling" against gender stereotypes, we can destroy the inequality between the sexes. "Queer theory holds that individual sexuality is a fluid, fragmented, and dynamic collectivity of possible sexualities and it may vary at different points during one's life." (Yes, it's postmodern, based in deconstruction, etc). It's not really that different from the 2nd Wave position that destroying the idea of "man" and "women" as social roles in a society would lead to more freedom, it's just a lot more philosophical and intellectual and inaccessible.

TransFeminism is the idea that male and female are essences, they are innate, they can't be changed, but they aren't binary, and if we loosen the binary, but appreciated "feminine traits" more as society, then society will be more equal. Discrimination is against "feminine" traits, not "female" people. It's strongly influenced by Queer Theory, and people try hard to reconcile both points of view, but if we name the problem it's Transfeminism, not Queer Theory. The argument is "transwomen exist, and we don't know why, but because they do, it proves that innate sense of gender exists in all people". Because of this - it's accessible and easy to understand and THIS is what people are pushing as a message.