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[–][deleted] 24 insightful - 2 fun24 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Good! He's an abhorrent misogynist as bad as Dr. Shitface Harrop. I agree with you about the Isreal thing after Long Bailey was sacked. Shocking that the left's going to go to bat for Israel but not women, however if some anti-women politicians end their careers by being anti-Israel, not going to complain. If nothing else, him saying such a thing as a politician illustrates a profound lack of sense. Honestly, I think all hardcore TRAs who think women should just give up their rights and are shocked when women say no are missing a screw in their heads. It seems like Labour's rife with people disconnected with reality.

It's also hilarious that he blames "right wing media" which in his far-left definition is everyone to his right. TRAs love to smear GC as being alt-right or right wing white conservatives.