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[–]72ndGender 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My comment may not be correct in your specific case, but it's factual, in general. I've spent a ton of time researching the endocrine system. I've read literally hundreds of published medical studies and tens of thousands of forum posts on the subject. Sorry for the giant disclaimer, but I want to pass on some info that is important for everyone to know. It's regarding OPs improved mood in the beginning.

As far as taking estrogens (specifically E2/estradiol) people OFTEN report improved mood and health when initially taking it. A lot of the improved health and mood of guys going on TRT in the beginning is from the increase in E2 levels. In the beginning only. When E2 levels are out of range on either side (or even the highs and lows of the "normal" range) people feel terrible. I've had low E2 before and life was miserable. Horrible fatigue, depression, and joint pain. So when TiMs report immediately feeling better when going on E, it's from the likelihood that they had low E to begin with. Often from having low T. T is converted to E via aromatase and when T is low, E is low almost always. Then. TiMs go out of range for their sex and start turning into everything we get to experience. No longer happy. Full of hate for everyone. Blaming their new emotions on transphobia. This last part is my take, but the other stuff is supported thoroughly with user experiences and studies. This is also the experience of steroid and TRT patients who don't start taking aromatase inhibitors when E2 spikes after a couple weeks. We know this as roid rage. Unstable emotions from unnaturally high E2, coupled with the violent aggression of high T. Fun stuff. What baffles me is how little endocrinological analysis is done for people looking to transition. Sometimes absolutely zero.

The one TiM (and "lesbian") I personally know, went through this exact same cycle. Got on E, was happy as hell, then suddenly became the office tyrant. No one wants to talk to him anymore. He is bitter and starts conflict over pretty much anything. Fortunately I relocated and he's not part of my life other than through communication channels occasionally. Everyone still complains about him to me though.

Long ass post to just say that HRT for TiMs commonly start as a positive experience before going negative. Just like what OP experienced.

Anyways, OP, I'm happy to hear you are doing well now.