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[–][deleted] 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I know right wingers accuse the current state of transactivism to be due to "The Gay Agenda". I don't think the current state of things would have happened without the internet. I see this as more of a development due to the normalization of porn culture. Porn culture wasn't just driven by gay people, and porn culture as we know it now didn't exist when gay activism started. Porn existed, but it wasn't 24/7/365 available, and not everyone had frequent access to it. Straight men ran to technology in droves so they could access pornography via the internet, computers, and now their phones. I think the gay activism movement just happened to overlap with the beginning of the Pornifciation of Everything. Straight women who remember the pre-internet days will confirm that men have become more dehumanizing, kink-obsessed, toxic and abusive towards women since porn became ubiquitous. They're more demanding in terms of insisting that the women they're dating conform to their violent, toxic, abrasive fantasies or they shame and blackmail their girlfriends/wives. Many of them seem to be morphing into pedophiles, obsessed with BDSM, rape-play, polyamory, race-play, choke-play, shit-and-piss play, diaper play, furry-play, and some are even becoming a sort of synthetic bisexual that's fueled by their porn use. They get so deep into the rabbit hole that they keep grasping for more extreme porn to get their kicks. Some of them, it seems, become so addicted that they want to BECOME the women they objectify. Then they demand that EVERYONE play into their kinks, fantasies, delusions, even in public and at work. It's bizarre. It's like a complete and total obsession with sexuality and pushing boundaries is giving people profound brain damage. To imagine these weird behaviors have seeped into the LGBTQ+ community doesn't surprise me. It seems that few demographics of people are NOT influenced by "porn culture".

[–]SameOldBS 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lots of truth in one you say here. Porn, like any drug, demands higher and higher doses because of desensitisation. I think AGP is definitely one way men who've run out of the usual stimuli can feed their habit.